“Matteo!” she gasped, shifting closer. Her thighs tightened around him and she wiggled, desperate to have him inside her. That need was like a throbbing, insistent ache low in her belly.
“You drive me wild!” he whispered, then nipped at her nipple before suckling the tip. She gasped, not sure how he’d gotten the top of her dress pulled down. And where in the world had her bra gone? Matteo’s passion was overwhelming and she loved it!
She wiggled closer to the edge of the desk, her fingers sliding down his shoulders, over his muscled chest and rock hard abs. Fumbling, she ignored his belt and moved lower, freeing his erection. Stroking him, he paused his torment on her nipples to enjoy her hands caressing his erection. For several moments, he thrust into her hands, hissing at the pleasure.
“I need to be inside you. Now!” he hissed, reaching into his pocket for a condom. After tearing open the package, he smacked it into her hand, then they both watched as she rolled it down over his shaft.
“Thank you!” he groaned, then pulled her closer to him, angling her backwards so that she had to grab his shoulders again for balance. “You’re mine! You realize that, si?”
Bailey moaned as he slid into her heat. “Matteo!” she gasped, adjusting to take all of him.
“Say it, Bailey. You’re mine!” He thrust all the way into her, then held her hips still, gazing down into her eyes. “Say the words, querida! I need to hear you say them.”
“I’m yours,” she repeated, looking into his dark eyes, understanding what he needed to hear.
Matteo started moving, slowly at first, but with increasing speed and pressure as they stared into each other’s eyes. Just before Bailey knew she was going to climax, she gripped him harder, moaning as she said, “You’re mine too, Matteo!”
And that took him over the edge and they climaxed together, both fighting to give the other more pleasure as their bodies shuddered with release.
For long moments afterwards, they were both still, shocked by what had just transpired.
Matteo pulled back, his hands gentling as he held her securely in his arms and looked into her eyes.
“That was incredible!” she whispered, then kissed him lingeringly. That seemed to be exactly what Matteo needed to hear. He sighed, his body relaxing as the remaining tension drained from him.
“I didn’t mean to make love to you right here on my desk,” he told her with a self-deprecating chuckle as he looked around. “At least you locked the door.”
She grinned and kissed his shoulder, even though it was still covered by his suit and dress shirt. It didn’t matter. She still needed to touch him and show him how happy she was.
He pulled slowly out of her and Bailey immediately felt…bereft. However, she was very aware of the fact that they were in his office during business hours.
“I should…” she stammered out, feeling odd now that his arms weren’t around her. But she pointed towards his doorway. She’d already walked around his desk, eager to get back to her office.
Matteo sighed heavily and grabbed a tissue to take care of the condom before he straightened his clothing. Then he looked down at the ground and grinned.
“You might need these,” he told her, stopping her retreat. Her panties dangled from his finger, and he waited for her blush. It was quick in coming and he chuckled as Bailey stomped back over to him. But when she reached for the bit of satin and lace, he lifted the article higher, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her in close again. “I took them off of you,” he grumbled with a low voice. “I’ll put them back on.”
“You don’t need to do that,” she replied back, a bit breathless and her smile almost shy, and a bit hopeful.
He grinned. “It would be my pleasure.”
Her lips twisted slightly. “I think we’ve both had enough pleasure for this morning,” she replied, but she licked her lips.
“How about if I make it a prelude to later?”
She contemplated his offer, then shook her head. “Nope. If you put them back on me, then I won’t be able to concentrate all day. And I have several important meetings, plus we’re meeting with Tim later, for updates and coordination.”
Matteo listened and, initially, he wasn’t going to give in. But at her point about not being able to concentrate…he rather liked that idea. But she was right. They had work to do.
“How about if I give these back to you now, but I get to pull them off again later?”
She turned pink at his offer, but nodded eagerly. “Deal,” she whispered, then grabbed for her panties.
Matteo sat down in his leather chair and enjoyed watching her walk to the other side of his desk. There, she bent and slid the panties up her legs. It was a highly erotic moment. He couldn’t wait to watch her take them off later tonight. He hoped she would do the exact same moves when she took them off.
He felt like a bit of a cad for watching her so closely, but in reality, there was no way he could look away from her little show. He was already too turned on and he’d been craving Bailey for too long to leave even a small bit of knowing more about her undiscovered.
Still, Bailey got her revenge as she walked to the door. She didn’t just walk, as she’d done in the past. With their relationship on a different level now, she…sauntered. Yes, that was the only description for the way she walked. Those lush, sexy hips swayed as she moved. And when she had one hand on the doorknob, she turned and looked back over her shoulder at him. It was just a glance, but there was a wealth of promise in those beautiful eyes of hers.