“We’re going to be married.”

I whip around and glare at him. So much for breaking it gently.

Aubrey’s mouth falls open. “What? You and Wraye? Why on earth would you marry Wraye?”

The incredulity in her voice would be insulting, under other circumstances. “We haven’t rushed into this. We’ve both been thinking about marriage long and hard, because we know it’s a big decision we’re making, for everyone, especially you.”

Aubrey isn’t listening to me. She’s staring desperately at her father, as if begging him to take it all back. “This is impossible. That’s disgusting. She’s younger than I am.”

I wince. I’d forgotten about that. I’m three years younger than Aubrey, and I’m going to be her stepmother.

“Did this start the day I left you two alone at Levanter House?” Aubrey asks him. It’s like she’s decided to pretend I’m not there. “Just before that horrible story broke about you and the old King and Queen?”

“Before that,” I say, but she still won’t look at me.

Devrim looks at me. “It started the moment I met Wraye.”

That’s very romantic, but I’d rather we avoided specifics, while Aubrey’s still coming to terms with all of this. “Your father and I have been close for several weeks, and—”

Aubrey points an angry finger at me, still addressing her father. “Her mother had our name dragged through the press. How can you even think of linking yourself to Wraye, when her mother’s been a total bitch—”

“That’s enough,” he snaps.

Aubrey turns to me, instead. “Daddy behaved abominably to you. He made you cry. He nearly spanked you the day you met, for heaven’s sake.”

Heat steals over my cheeks as I remember that day. “He’s had his moments. I was angry with him, at first, for the way he behaved, but then I started to understand him, and I fell in love with him.”

“Stop saying such disgusting things,” Aubrey wails. “You and he never…he didn’t… you never kissed him, did you? Before now?”

The blush burns even hotter, and I stare at the floor. If I didn’t love Devrim, I’d run from the room and never look back. The only thing keeping me in here is the knowledge that this needs to be faced, because I am going to marry him.

I glance up at Devrim and see him looking back at me. He’s thinking the same thing. He doesn’t want to hurt Aubrey, but we have to get through this.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Aubrey runs from the room.

I cover my face with my hands and moan. That was probably the worst possible way Aubrey could find out. “I’ll go home. The two of you need some time together, so let’s cool it for a while.”

Devrim is glaring at me, one of the severest expressions I’ve ever seen in his eyes. “We’re doing no such thing.”

“But Aubrey—”

“Aubrey is a woman of twenty-four. I’m sorry that she’s hurt and that she found out this way, but she has her own life to lead, and so do I.” Devrim reaches for my hand and pulls me to him. He perches me on the edge of Mr. Levanter’s desk and nestles me between his thighs. His voice drops to a gentle murmur. “I’m not missing out on anymore happiness. Not one second. Do you understand me?”

When he puts it like that, I can’t say no. I feel like I’ve been waiting to be happy my whole life. “I love you.”

Devrim kisses me fiercely. “Let’s get married at once. I’ll seek permission from the King, first thing in the morning. We can be married by the weekend.”

I start to laugh. “Slow down. I love you. I will marry you, but I’m not doing it at breakneck speed.”

“Do as you’re told. I want to move forward.”

“Oh, yes, Your Grace. Anything you wish, Your Grace.”

He kisses me again. “You little brat. If you enjoy me telling you what to do, you should obey me, once in a while.”

I kiss him slowly, nestling closer. “Daddy, you know how I love to be good for you. I’ll do anything you tell me to, when it’s just you and me alone together. You know that.”

“We’re alone now.”

I brush the tip of my nose against his. I don’t mean this sort of alone, and he knows it. I mean things like get on your knees for Daddy, not marry me by this weekend.

“I have to get back to work. Are you going to talk to Aubrey?”

His features become solemn as he glances toward the door. “I’m going to try. I don’t want her to be unhappy.”

“I know you don’t. Be kind to her. Save the do as you’re told, young lady speeches for me.”

He helps me to my feet and gives me one last kiss, capturing my mouth with his and making heat ripple through my body.

“You know I will. I’m looking forward to them.”