“You never married?” I ask, nodding at his empty ring finger.

Galen taps his fingers, one by one, on his desktop, looking at them instead of me. “No, I never did. Shall I show you around the factory?”

I get to my feet. “If you like. Then I’ll show you around Court.”

He gives a humorless laugh. “That’s not going to happen. I’m not going near the place. It’s all politics and intrigue.”

I glare at his back as I follow him out of the room. Now that the People’s Republic is over, he should take back his title. I’m still glaring as I emerge from the office.

Right into Wraye’s startled eyes.

It’s just so improbable that she’s here. All I can do is stare down into her lovely face.

She recovers first. “What are you doing here?”

Galen looks at her in surprise, then at me, and winces as if he’s expecting me to unleash a tirade of Don’t you know who you’re talking to, I’m Archduke Levanter, show some respect.

I just gaze at her, my mind as empty as a lovesick teenager’s. She’s dressed smartly in a blouse and skirt, and her hair is in a neat plait. There’s a stack of papers in her hand.

I have no idea what she’s doing here. I’m desperately happy that she is.

I reach for her and draw her to me. Too stunned to resist, she allows me to draw her into my arms. I dip my head and press my forehead against hers. I don’t even care that there’s a whole office of people watching us.

“Have you had enough time? Will you marry me now?” I whisper, cupping the nape of her neck.

“What makes you think all I need is time?” she asks in a shaky voice, even as she reaches up to stroke her fingers through my beard. Our breaths are mingling, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever felt.

“Hope. I have too much of it for a man of my age.”

I can see in her eyes how much she’s missed me, too. All it took was a second to pull us back into each other’s arms. I can’t let her go again.

“Wraye,” I say raggedly. Then I kiss her.

All the papers in her hand slither to the ground, as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me.

I draw back and hold her face in my hands. “I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer this time. Do as you’re told and marry me.”

“I like when you tell me what to do,” she whispers.

“Yes, but you never do it.”

A smile tilts up the corners of her mouth.

That’s all it takes to make my heart fill with happiness. I wrap both my arms around her and crush her to my chest. Wraye clings to me so tightly that it’s like she’s trying to merge her body with mine.

“I love you,” she whispers, so soft that only I can hear. “I don’t know what we’re going to do, but I love you.”

“We’re going to get married,” I tell her firmly. “I love you too, sweetheart.”

“Daddy?” says a tremulous voice.

I glance down at Wraye, but it’s not her who’s spoken.

Over Wraye’s shoulder, standing a dozen feet away at the entrance to the office with shock etched on her wide-eyed features, is Aubrey.Chapter Twenty-TwoWrayeI try to pull away from Devrim, but he won’t let go of my hand. I’m left standing there, red-faced, aware that Aubrey and a dozen other people have just witnessed me kissing and embracing the Archduke.

Aubrey’s eyes are wide with shock and confusion. No one’s saying anything.

Finally, Mr. Levanter goes back to his office door and holds it open. “Why don’t we all talk inside?”

We don’t move, so Mr. Levanter steps forward to take his niece by the elbow and steer her into the room. Aubrey moves as if in a daze. I want to stay where I am, or better yet, flee, but I kissed Devrim and agreed to marry him. Now it’s time to face the consequences.

Once Devrim, Aubrey and I are in his office, Galen shuts the door from the other side and leaves us alone. Aubrey stands in the middle of the room, staring at us, and I finally manage to tug my fingers from Devrim. She should at least have time to get used to this, before she has to see us touching each other.

Devrim glares at me, like he’s wondering if I’m about to call the whole thing off, rather than admit to Aubrey that we’re getting married.

I take a deep breath and turn to Aubrey. “I’m sorry you’ve had a shock.”

“I just came to say hello to Daddy and Uncle Galen. I’ve never seen the factory before. What are you doing here, Wraye?”

I open my mouth to tell her about the job the King has given me, intending to work my way up to being in love with her father, when Devrim speaks defiantly across me.