“I’m going to tell Aubrey that I won’t search for any more suitors for her. She can take her time about getting married, if that’s what she wants. I don’t want her to keep worrying about being forced into a match. I think that will help things between us.”

“She’ll like that. I think that’s the first time you’ve sounded hopeful about your relationship with her.”

“I think I am. If I can make you smile at me, maybe it’s not so impossible that I could make her happy.” He kisses me softly. “What about you? Tell me something you want.”

The papers still call him Ironclad, but he’s got a soft center, under all that iron. He would give me that pink gown if I asked for it. He’d probably give me a dozen. If I shed a few tears and told him about our awful living situation and how confused Mama and I are that the Rugovas have been so neglected by the King, he’d probably move us into a better home within a day. Then I’d owe him. My god, how I’d owe him. He’d have all the power, and how could I let him strap me viciously with his belt, after that?

“I want for nothing, Your Grace.”

He takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks it. “None of these Your Graces, when we’re alone. I can’t do anything for you? I have some influence.”

“You don’t say,” I mutter, watching his fingers caress the rosy tip of my breast. “I’m perfectly fine, thank you. I just love being here with you.”

Devrim meets my eyes, and I feel my breath lock in my throat. I’m supposed to be enjoying this because he’s sinfully gorgeous, and taking pleasure in the fact that I have the most powerful man at Court, treating me like a princess. And because I can help Aubrey. Not because of words like love.

He captures my mouth in a kiss. “I love being here with you, too, sweetheart.”

I enjoy the prickle of his silvery beard against my mouth. If he asked me to marry him again, would I be strong enough to say no? How would I explain things?

By the way, Mama and I are imposters at Court, and I’ve been lying to you. What a great start to a marriage.

A few days later, Aubrey and I go window shopping and stroll for an hour, while we gaze into the windows of milliners and dressmakers. A wedding dress boutique makes Aubrey pause as she gazes at the white satin and lace.

“I think I’ll enjoy Court much more now that Daddy’s taken the pressure off me to marry. Now when I dance with a man, I know he won’t go on and on about why or why not he’s suitable.”

I’m about to agree with her, before I remember that I’m not supposed to know about this. “He has? That’s great. It sounds like he’s been more relaxed lately.”

“So much more relaxed. It seems like, once he got those things about my mother off his chest, he’s become a different person.”

“How wonderful to hear,” I murmur, hoping I sound just the right level of interested. It’s tempting to ask more questions about the Archduke, but that could get dangerous. She might start to suspect there’s something going on between me and her father.

“As long as I don’t ask any questions about his past, I think he might stay like this. There are things I want to know about what he was like back then and what prison did to him, but I know he’s touchy about those things. Anyway, shall we walk back to the house and have some lemonade?”

We’re not far from Levanter House. I hesitate, and Aubrey puts her hand on my arm.

“Don’t worry. Daddy’s out.”

As far as she knows, every encounter I’ve had with the Archduke has left me in tears. He still does, a lot of the time, but now he kisses the tears away. “All right.”

It’s a short walk back to Levanter House, and we sit in the garden drinking lemonade. Swallows dip and dive in the early evening air, chasing flying insects.

Aubrey follows the path of one of the little birds across the garden. “What about you? Is your mother putting pressure on you to marry?”

“On and off. Maybe I won’t marry anyone.”

Aubrey catches the straw of her lemonade between her teeth and grins at me. “I bet she wouldn’t like to hear you say that.”

“Oh, boy. Tell me about it.” If our lands aren’t restored, then me marrying someone rich is her back-up plan.

A deep voice hails us from the patio. We look around to see the Archduke coming down the path toward us. I can’t help my short intake of breath at his unexpected appearance. He’s wearing his uniform trousers, but he’s taken off the jacket.