Suddenly, he pulls out, and I hear the snap of the condom. As he comes, he twists my marked-up flesh, making me scream as he spurts over my ass. There’s a moment of stillness, with his cock tucked against my behind and his hands braced either side of my head.

He leans down to kiss my neck. “Pretty girl. Stay there.”

I laugh, tiredly, into the sofa cushion and twist my arms in their bindings. I’m not going anywhere. He gets up from the sofa, and then he’s back with a damp wash cloth and tenderly wipes me down. The cold water takes some of the heat out of the marks.

He unties me, helps me into his shirt and kisses my forehead. “Want me to run you a cool bath?”

I rub my cheek against his chest. “No. Just the gel, please, Daddy.”

He keeps a bottle of aloe vera gel in the fridge and goes to get it. I lay across his lap, hugging a cushion, and he gently applies it with his fingers.

I stretch luxuriously as he works, feeling incredibly relaxed. I must fall asleep for a little while, because when I open my eyes, he’s stopped applying the gel and is watching me, with his head propped in his hand, smiling.

“Hey, sweetheart. Good nap?”

“Yes, Daddy.” I sit up and stretch and gaze appreciatively around the apartment. It’s so peaceful here. The clock on the wall says it’s a quarter past three, so we still have a little more time together. I snuggle against his naked chest, under the crook of his arm.

He strokes my cheek with the back of his fingers. “You and Aubrey looked so beautiful last night.”

Last night, there was a ball at the palace. I smile up at him. “Aubrey looked beautiful. I looked like I was wearing a badly folded fitted sheet.”

“I wish you’d let me buy you something. A gown like that pink and white one of Aubrey’s that you were trying on the day I first put you over my knee.”

He’s already offered to buy me whatever I like, but I couldn’t explain it to Mama. Besides, I hate the thought of taking anything from him. I reach up and scratch my nails through his short, silver beard. “You know, for such a severe man, you have very frilly taste in ballgowns.”

“That’s because I want to get you into one that’s as beautiful as you are and then finger fuck you in a dark corner.”

Oh, that would be hot. “You don’t have to buy me anything. I just enjoy spending time with you.”

His mouth quirks, and he looks thoughtful suddenly. “That’s what Aubrey says.”

His talk often turns to Aubrey when we’re together. He wants to dress me like her, and he calls me his little girl. Sometimes, I wonder if he wishes he didn’t miss out on watching Aubrey grow up. Having a little girl to spoil and call princess and hear her call him Daddy. Maybe it should bother me that he’s roleplaying that with me, but I’m playing, too, being spoiled and petted and made to feel like I’m something precious.

“Daddy,” I say, walking two fingers up his arm. “What would make you happy? With Aubrey, I mean.”

He thinks for a moment. “I want her to feel she can confide in me and understand that I’ll protect her from anyone who means her harm.” He reaches out and strokes his forefinger over my lower lip. “I want her want to be near me.”

He kisses me, capturing me in his arms and pressing me down into the sofa. “I want her to smile at me. Be happy to see me. Put her arms around me.” He presses his mouth against mine, over and over, his kisses growing feverish. “Love me.”

“She wants to love you, too.”

I clench my hands on the muscles of his shoulders and bury my face in his neck as his fingers seek my clit, eager to send me over the edge again.

“Fuck, I want you again.” He fumbles for a condom, and when I wrap my thighs around his hips, he sinks into me.

He bites his lower lip as he hammers me with his cock. “Such a good girl for Daddy.”

When his hand slips around my throat and tightens, the blood rushes to my head, and I have to work that little bit harder to breathe. I watch him through half-closed eyes, reveling in being held down by him, choked by him, giving everything to him. When I come, he groans and forces himself deeper, with each thrust, leaning more weight on my throat.

As he withdraws, I lay where I am, gasping, too blissfully worn out to move.

The sun is sinking lower in the sky as we cuddle beneath a blanket. Devrim plays with strands of my hair, curling them around his finger and then letting them unravel.