"Oh oh oh! Nay, this could be perfect. It could be like a little vacation!" She glances over at Gunnar with a hunger in her eyes. “Plus, we have some naughtiness we need to get caught up on.”

“Selene!” I gasp.

“What?” She smirks. “It’s true. Our sex life has been a little different since you’ve been staying with us. We were trying to be respectful. Just saying.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” I say as my thoughts start to spiral. “Shit. I’ve really overstayed my welcome, haven’t I? You should have said something. I can always figure out another place to stay.”

“You can stay with us,” Alvie interjects.

I stop in my tracks and turn to face him fully, my jaw agape.

“Ooh! Good plan,” Selene says giddily.

“It could be like a retreat,” Alvie continues. “We can put you up in one of the cabins if you don't want to stay with us in the house. You can take part in the trail rides and other activities with other guests. Just relax a bit.”

“I couldn’t.”

“Yes. You can,” he insists.

“I . . .” I glance at Selene desperately.

“What about therapy, and your dress shopping appointment, and . . .”

“Oh hush. You can see your therapist virtually. Drive into town for dress shopping. I’m sure there’s a salon somewhere in Victoria where you can make an appointment for nails and shit.” I stare at her as she makes an all too good argument in support of Alvie’s proposal. “And I can always come out to hang out when you miss me and annoy you until you hate me and remember why you need time away from me.”

“Selene. I could never hate you.” I chuckle.

“Lies. I’m a lot to handle. It’s part of my charm.” She laughs.

“Okay, then,” I concede slowly. “I guess I’ll come stay for the week then.”

“Stay for as long as you like, bunny,” Alvie says. “We have a space that you can make into your own place if you want. A week, a month, the whole damn year, you’re always welcome with us.”

I glance over at Bex, who’s been awfully quiet, which she takes as her cue.

“Really,” she confirms. “You’re absolutely welcome to make yourself at home with us.”

“Then it’s settled?” Selene asks. “You’re moving out to the ranch?”

“If you’re sure.” I hurriedly glance between Bex and Alvie.

“We’re sure,” they reply in unison.

"Then it's settled. Naomi, you go spend the week with them, meet Milkshake and whatnot. Then, when Gunnar and I get home, we can pack up stuff for you and come out next weekend to drop it all off.”

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Why can't I come pack my own bags?"

"Because I said so." Her face grows serious.

"Okay. Fine." I turn to Bex and Alvie. "Are y'all okay with this?"

"Of course," Bex agrees a little too eagerly, her whole demeanor relaxing.

"Okay . . . " Something has me hesitating, but I push it aside. "I guess I should go pack my bag then."

"Yes. Yes! You definitely should," Selene says, bouncing in her seat. "We'll meet you back at the room."

I side-eye Selene as I rise from my chair.