“You’re gonna be there tonight, right?” Selene asks eagerly.

“Of course!” Juliana replies.

“Perfect. I want everyone there,” Selene says more seriously.

“The kids are looking after each other tonight, so all six of us will be there. We wouldn’t miss it,” Juliana reassures.

“Good. Griff already missed my birthday, and I’m still mad at him,” Selene deadpans, which earns her a chuckle from Juliana.

“I’ve got a few things to do before tonight, though. I’ll see you later, love,” the blonde says. “It was lovely to meet you, Naomi. I hope you enjoy your time here.”

A quick exchange of hugs later and the blonde beauty is sauntering away from us in her towering heels.

“Juliana’s one of the owners. She was a stripper in a past life, and she’s one hundred percent badass. I want to be her when I grow up,” Selene gushes.

“Isn’t she our age?” I ask.

“Probably, but she’s larger than life.”

“I’m not sure that’s possible with you around, Lena.” I laugh as Selene drags me in a new direction.

She leads me through immaculately kept grounds, which are clearly designed intentionally to allow guests a plethora of spaces to gather.

The main resort backs up to a massive pool with a swim-up bar and multiple spaces for outdoor cooking and grilling. All around in the distance are smaller buildings, which I assume are the villas where we will be staying. But the main feature that draws my eye in the distance is what can only be the club that The Playground is well known for.

“Is that the club?” I ask Selene, pointing at the building.

“Hmm?” Selene glances in that direction. “Oh, yeah! That’s where we’ll be tonight. You’re gonna love it.”

The exterior of the building flows with the rest of the resort’s design, and yet there’s something distinct about the way it subtly stands out from the rest. The two-story building blends in seamlessly with the landscape of the property and the view it looks out on. The second floor has a viewing space with mirrored windows, allowing guests to see all around the property, but hides anything on the inside from everything and everyone else. The design gives the building a mysterious feel that conceals more secrets than it reveals.

“Come on,” Selene says. “We’ll go settle in, get ready for the evening, and then we can meet everyone at the club later.”

The packing list that Selene gave me for the weekend required shopping and a trip to my esthetician. Somehow, I ended up with clothes, if you can call them clothes, that reveal more than they hide and a body that’s waxed within an inch of my life.

Selene got me settled in my own room, next door to her and Gunnar, still giving me some privacy. She has been with me for the past few hours while we primped and pampered ourselves to get ready for the evening.

“You’ll look amazing in this,” Selene says, pulling out a sheer, deep teal bodysuit from my bag. “The color suits you.”

I snatch the lingerie out of her hand before she can get any ideas.

“I have a dress I can wear tonight,” I object, stuffing the garment back into the deep recesses of my bag.

“Yes, and when you do, you’ll be overdressed for the evening.” She snorts.

“And what? I’m supposed to just walk over to the club wearing nothing?” I scoff.

“Not nothing. You’re wearing lingerie,” she says like it’s the simplest thing in the world.

“You realize how weird this is, right? Normal people dress up for going out, not down.”

“This is dressing up!” Selene says wistfully. “Trust me. There’s something so freeing about being able to exist in your body like this.”

“Yes. I know the spiel. ‘Everyone has a body.’ Et cetera, et cetera,” I tease.

Still, the idea of wearing nothing but lingerie in front of so many people has my stomach twisting in knots. All of those eyes on you at all times, studying you, judging you? No thanks.

“Precisely,” she says. “Really, this is great wisdom I’m sharing. You should be taking notes for your dissertation. Have you decided your topic yet?”