“Me too.” I hear the smile returned through the phone.

“Okay. Address incoming. Text us when you’re leaving.”

“Will do.”

Time passes slowly as Bex and I roam the house looking for things to distract us while we wait for Naomi to let us know she’s headed out. Bex starts frantically cleaning, and I retreat to my workshop to stay out of her way.

I’m lost in my latest project when a text appears on my phone.

Naomi: I'm leaving now. Maps says I should be there in about 5-ish hours?

Alvaro: Send me your location so I can track you.

Bex: Because that's not creepy at all, Alvie.

Alvaro: I'm trying to ensure her safety.

Naomi Hall shared her location with the group.

Naomi: I hope that worked.

Alvaro: It did. Thank you.

Bex: See you soon!

Bex: And let us know if you stop at Buc-ee's! They have this salsa I love that I pick up when we stop.

Naomi: Will do! I'll need to get gas at some point and stretch my legs.

Alvaro: Get gas before you leave. Don't wait.

Naomi: I have a full tank, but I'll refill when I stop.

Alvaro: Good.

Naomi: Thanks, Alvie. :kissy face

Bex: See you soon!

By the sounds of her muttering coming through my workshop door, I'm pretty sure Bex has cleaned the entire house top to bottom, twice, and is now just pacing the living room.

I'm in my shop, working on tanning some leather for a friend's new set of finger floggers that they commissioned from me, when my phone goes off for the second time.

Naomi: I just turned into the ranch, I think?

Alvaro: Just follow the road and you'll come up on the house.

Bex bounds out of the house, over to where I'm working.

"She's here! Do I look okay?" she asks, looking stunning as ever in a simple black workout outfit, minimal makeup, and her chestnut hair pulled up in a messy bun.

"You look amazing, birdie," I reply, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Bex is out of the shop and headed back into the house to great Naomi before I even hear tires pull up.

"You made it!"

Chapter 11