Since that phone call, Bex has been a schoolgirl with a crush. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her so excited about something.

Our relationship is solid, and I love how we’ve grown together through the years, through our struggles and changes in life, but Bex is a person who needs novelty.

For a long time, her energy was channeled into helping me build up the ranch, and when that was done, her yoga business. For a while, that was enough, but then she became restless, her heart and soul needing something more. So, we had discussions about opening our relationship, and Bex started dating again.

It was fun, having her come home and tell me all about her dates. I got to see the highs she experienced when she had a good time, holding her through the lows when she was feeling vulnerable and unsure of herself. I got to be a part of everything, even without being involved in the relationships myself. I found fulfillment in my partner’s joy and excitement, which is more than enough for me.

When Bex met Rissa, there was an immediate connection between the two that burned hot and bright. Only this time, Rissa expressed interest not just in her, but me as well. Suddenly, there was this person who didn’t want just Bex’s attention, but mine too.

I was hesitant to embrace anything too quickly with Rissa, but Bex’s enthusiasm was always so supportive. I wanted to give the new relationship a chance, if only to make Bex happy. Only, it didn’t feel right, so Rissa and I never developed that part of our relationship. And Bex and Rissa went back to doing their own thing together.

But my dismissal of Rissa led to feelings of separation between Bex and me. I could see how conflicted Bex was feeling over the relationship, and while I didn’t disapprove of the partnership, I knew my rejection of Rissa didn’t sit well with Bex. She didn’t want to hurt me, but the rift was causing Bex to struggle to balance her relationships.

Seeds of distrust began to sprout, and eventually the straw that broke the camel’s back came in the form of an unlocked phone, revealing a dozen conversations with different men Rissa was talking to.

Early on in our own exploration with Rissa, there were explicit conversations about what everyone was comfortable with regarding exclusivity, and this breach of trust was a sword through the chest.

Bex cut Rissa out quickly, and her heartbreak ate at her for months. It didn’t matter how supportive or loving I was to my wife; the hurt was still there. As time passed, the pain lessened for both of us, but especially Bex. Though, I’ll never know for sure if it was more the time and distance that helped her heal or actual forgiveness toward her ex.

For a while, I thought things were fine, but then that restlessness came back.

Now? Now it’s being channeled through my partner in a way that makes her glow like her true self.

The fear of her getting hurt again, though, is ever present.

So, despite the smiles and soaring high of new love, there’s a twist in my stomach every time the group chat goes off or I hear Bex’s phone ring with Naomi’s ringtone.

It’s that same ringtone that snaps me out of my haze. I’d long since abandoned the finance reports before me, despite the fact that they really need urgent attention.

“Hey, Nay.” I hear come from the living room.

I don’t even register me rising out of my chair to go and check in with Bex and Naomi as they chat.

When I walk into the kitchen, Bex has her phone on speaker on the counter.

“She canceled?” she asks Naomi through the phone, looking at me with wide eyes as I enter.

“Yeah. Selene called and said something happened with Gunnar. She was unusually tight-lipped about it too.” Naomi sighs. “I was really looking forward to a weekend away.”

Bex glances up at me before looking down at her phone again. “You should come to the ranch then.”


“Come to the ranch! We can show you around and you can spend the weekend relaxing here!” The excitement building in her voice with each word brings a smile to my heart.

It’s good to see her opening up like this, embracing something good again.

“Um . . . you’re sure?” Naomi asks. “What does Alvie think?”

“Alvie agrees.” I speak up, taking a few steps farther into the kitchen.

“Oh. Okay,” Naomi says softly. “Well, I’m already packed. So, I guess I can leave here anytime.”

“Awesome. I’ll text you the address,” Bex says excitedly.

“Alright. I’ll see you soon then.”

“I’m really excited to see you.” Bex shares with a smile that Naomi can’t see.