"Are you going to pick up?" he asks.

"Of course!" His emerald eyes look deep into my own. "Do you want to say hi?"

Alvie tries to hide his smile from me, but I know it's there, even if it is only the crinkle of joy in his eyes that gives him away.

I know this man far too well for him to get away with hiding things from me.

"You like her," he murmurs.

"No," I say automatically.

"You do." A real smirk graces his face. "Pick up the damn phone, Bex."

I press the screen to answer.

"Took you long enough!" Naomi exclaims as the video call connects. "We need outsider opinions."

Things blur as Naomi moves the phone around, though I can’t tell what she’s doing.

"Hi, Naomi," I soothe, trying to calm her buzzing energy.

"Hi, Bex," she breathes out as she finally looks at me fully through the screen. "Oh. Alvaro."

"Alvie, please. I think it's appropriate," he says flatly but with that smile still in his eyes.

“Got it. Alvie it is.” Naomi nods before jumping in. "Okay, Selene and Gunnar came up to go shopping."

"Couldn't they just do that here?" I ask.

"Evidently not. We're at a boutique here to get boots. Like, stupid expensive boots." She scowls.

"For Selene’s wedding?" I glance back at Alvie. "I thought she'd surely be a heels girl for her wedding."

"For the party!" I hear Selene call out in the background. "Heels for the ceremony, boots for dancing our asses off."

"Got it.” I laugh. “Okay, what's the dilemma?"

Naomi jostles the phone again before settling somewhere. When she backs up, I can see she’s in a modern-looking dressing room of some kind, composed of whites and creams.

"Selene's vision for her wedding is all, like, sparkly and ethereal, right?" she says as though I have any idea what that means.

"Sure . . . New info, but we can roll with that." I chuckle.

"Mhh. I’ll send you the Pinterest board really quick.” A ping comes through on my phone and I swipe to open the message, but Naomi continues to ramble as I scroll through the board. “Anyway. She wants this kind of aesthetic, but we can't decide on boots for the reception.”

Alvie leans in over my shoulder to look at the fairy tale-like inspiration board, and I start to get excited. Every image on my screen is exploding with color and covered in sparkles of all kinds. If this is Selene’s vision, then the wedding is going to be spectacular. And expensive.

“Are you thinking white?” he asks as I switch back to the video call.

“We don't have a dress for her yet,” Naomi says, hands on hips as she surveys a row of boxes at her feet. “So, we don’t know if white is a good move for her, and we can’t decide on a color either because we don’t have one picked for the bridal party’s attire yet. Like, what if it's all the wrong things?"

"I voted for pink!" Selene appears in the screen next to Naomi in a getup glamorous enough to make Dolly herself proud. "Hi, Bex! Hi, Alvie!"

"Hi, Selene," Alvie replies. "I'm gonna dip out of this conversation, birdie. You help with shopping dilemmas. I'll finish with the horses."

He backs away, but I glare at him and pout my lips. He closes the distance between us and kisses me passionately.

"Ew. Gross," Selene mocks as Alvie pulls away.