Naomi: Oh. That makes sense.

Alvaro: I am on the autistic spectrum though.

Naomi: Good to know, I guess?

Bex: Let me translate. “I prefer straightforward communication, rules, and boundaries and have difficulties at times understanding others. I’m giving you this information (albeit poorly) so that you have a full understanding of where I’m coming from. My wife likes you (a lot) and I would like to form a relationship with you of some kind as well.”

Alvaro: Yes. All of that.

Bex: I’ll also warn you that he has a weird sense of humor. Somewhere between dark and morbid and like . . . dad jokes.

Bex: That’s what I get for marrying someone over a decade older than me.

Naomi: haha . . . Can I ask how old y’all are?

Alvaro: 45 and 33. How old are you?

Bex: Alvie! It’s rude to ask a lady her age.

Alvaro: She just!

Bex: haha

Naomi: It’s okay. I did ask. I’m 25. haha

Bex: Oh man . . . I could hear that groan from across the house :laughing emoji:

Naomi: What?

Bex: Alvie’s gonna have a momentary crisis about how young you are. He did it with me too.

Alvaro: I’m practically a cradle robber.

Naomi: At least you’re not a grave robber.

Alvaro: You’re sure of that? You don’t know what I do in my free time.

Naomi: I’m starting to see a bit of this humor you’re talking about @Bex. I like it :rofl emoji:

Naomi: Okay. I need to unload the car, unpack, shower, and nap. haha I’ll talk to y’all later.

Bex: Naps! My favorite. Have fun!

Alvaro: Have a good nap.

Naomi: Thanks!

Quickly, I switch to my messages with Selene.

Naomi: Thank you so much for dragging me out this weekend. I think it was really good for me.

Selene: I’m so glad!!! All the more reason for you to come back. :kissy face

Naomi: For sure! :purple heart

I put away my phone with a huge smile on my face that doesn’t go away for the rest of the evening. My heart feels full as I go through my evening preparing for my return to normal life tomorrow.

It feels so weird to think of it that way.