She groans in a way telling me she’s not someone who wakes easily.

“It’s Selene.” Naomi shoots up at her friend’s name.

“Shit.” She gasps, trying to balance herself where she sits. Automatically, my hands go to her shoulders to steady her. “Shit. Did we miss it?”

“I don’t think so,” I say, trying to calm her. “But we should get moving just in case.”

I stand, slipping my feet into the slippers Alvie left me in exchange for my heels, and help her rise as well.

Still a little sleepy, Naomi sways on her feet, and I take her by the hand to steady her, which draws out a sweet smile from her. Walking hand in hand down the stairs back to the private party section with all of our friends, we return to smiling faces and glasses of Champagne being shoved in our free hands.

Much to my disappointment, Naomi detaches herself from me without a backward glance at the sight of her glowing best friend and slips her way through the crowd to celebrate with Selene and Gunnar.

Alcohol flows freely for the rest of the night as we all celebrate together, everyone raising their glasses each time one of us drunkenly shouts for another toast to the happy couple.

When “Closing Time” by Semisonic plays, everyone starts packing up their stuff to leave. People start filtering out of the club, and I see Naomi passed out on one of the couches. I look over to Gunnar, who has his arm wrapped around Selene, who’s also struggling to stand on her own.

He looks over at me, worry in his gaze when he looks back at Naomi. “Can you help me with her?”

“Of course,” I say, standing quickly and making my way over to where the trio were sitting.

“Her bag is the teal one.” He grunts out over the music. “Her room key should be in the side pocket with her ID.”

“I can get her back to her room. Don’t worry,” I say, pulling her keycard out only to be surprised that her villa is right across from our own. “She’s actually right by us.”

“You’re sure?” he asks.

“Of course,” I reassure him.

“Alright. Night, Bex. Night, Alvie,” Gunnar says as he walks away, Selene and bags in tow.

I look back at a sleeping Naomi and giggle to myself.

“I think we tuckered her out, Alvie,” I joke, turning to my husband, who’s laden with our own bags.

He hands me a T-shirt and shorts, which I slip on to cover up the gorgeous body harness he made for me.

“I’ve got everything for us. Want me to carry her bag too?” he asks.

“Nah. I’ve got her and her stuff. I think her villa is right before ours. So, we can walk together.” When I look to Alvie, he nods.

Approaching the sleeping beauty, I admire how peaceful she looks.

I give her a gentle nudge on the shoulder, hating that I have to disturb her for a second time tonight.



“Time to go home,” I say quietly, just as the music cuts out and lights come on throughout the club.

She lets out another annoyed groan before forcing her eyes open and squinting as she takes in the bright lights of the club.

“Sorry. I’m not used to being out so late. Or drinking so much.” She yawns.

“That’s alright,” I soothe. “Do you have a sweater or anything you want to slip on over your dress?”

She nods, and I go over to her bag to find the garment.