“I know. I know.” Naomi’s giggle is like trilling bells. “And it’s just as magical and kinky as you said it would be.”

“I’m a little surprised that you got up there though.” Selene giggles.

“You made me do it!” Naomi gawks.

“Nobody makes you do anything, cariña,” Selene quips back, which earns her a huff of annoyance from Naomi.

“So, what made you do it?” I ask, genuinely curious as to what prompted her to go so far out of her comfort zone. “You’re a student, right? What made you go from books to BDSM?”

“Excellent question, Bex.” Selene laughs as she gets up from the couch when she spots Gunnar. “Y’all have fun. I see a Viking that needs attention.”

Both Naomi and I laugh at Selene’s antics, the sounds blending together like the perfect melody. Our gazes connect and the room slips away. Thoughts flash through Naomi’s eyes, but I don’t know her well enough to understand what they mean.

“So?” I prompt.

“I think . . .” She pauses. “I think I just needed to get out of my head. I’ve always heard from Selene about the benefits of participating in kink, and a part of me has always been curious. So, like, why not?”

She says it like she’s still questioning her own choices, and a part of me empathizes with the roller coaster of emotions that she’s going through.

“It’s definitely a way to get out of your head, for sure. That’s part of what brought Alvie and me together.”


“Yeah, I don’t know if anyone has studied it or not.” I shrug. “But I firmly believe that there are mental health benefits to kink and BDSM.”

“Oh?” she says, perking up a bit.

“Absolutely. I’ve been to my fair share of therapy, and there’s so much about the kinky world that relies on incredible communication and interpersonal skills between all consenting parties. Not to mention the mindfulness and emotional regulating required for so many different kinds of play.” I blush. “Sorry. I don’t mean to ramble.”

“No. Don’t worry about it. I’m actually studying psychology, so this is super interesting to me.” The way her blue eyes sparkle in the dim lighting has me believing her wholeheartedly. “Selene was telling me earlier that there’s another therapist who comes to the club?”

“Yeah. Durante. He’s great. His partners too.” I look around for the trio in question. “I don’t think they made it tonight, but I’m sure you’ll meet them eventually.”

“I hope so.” She smiles.

“Means you’re going to have to come back though.” I smirk.

“Guess so,” she says, blushing bright pink before yawning.

“Here.” I tug her hand lightly toward me, and she falls easily into my shoulder to rest. “Close your eyes and rest for a bit. Someone will grab us whenever things get exciting again.”

Within seconds, Naomi’s eyes close and her breathing evens out. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Alvie leaving the space with his bag of goodies.

He returns my smile with his own when I look at him and gives me a wink before heading downstairs.

People start to filter out of the open play area, either heading into the private playrooms or back downstairs to the main area of the club now that the excitement of pickup play is over.

I curl myself around Naomi, and we sit like that, in comfortable silence, for what only feels like minutes. I don’t even notice myself drift off, but when I open my eyes, the room has cleared out completely and it’s only us curled up on the couch that are left in the room.

Footsteps coming up the stairs alert me to someone joining us, and when Alvie’s head peeks over the top step, I smile.

He takes the few steps to stand before the couch where we lie and looks down at both Naomi and me with a softness in his expression that has my heart warming.

“We’re doing toasts,” he says just loud enough for me to hear him over the music coming from the DJ booth downstairs.

He gives me a kiss on my cheek before turning to go back downstairs, and I nudge Naomi to get her to wake.

“Naomi. Wake up,” I say quietly.