

The screen before me sits idle as I wait in the virtual waiting room.

I’ve never been so nervous for a Zoom call as I am right now, but my options are either this or never have my best friends speak to me ever again.

I’d rather not risk that.

Or her wrath if I’m not able to come down for her engagement party.

My eyes keep scanning the same line I’ve been staring at for the past few minutes.

Waiting for host to start the meeting.

Seven words that have adrenaline pumping through my veins and my throat dry with nerves.

This is so out of character for me.

For Selene? This is nothing.

But for me, this is everything I thought I would never be.

The Playground Club is a private, women-owned, women-run social club. Anyone is allowed to visit the resort portion of the property, but the club itself is members-only for all of its functions.

Which makes sense . . . for a sex club.

It sounds so crass to say it like that, but it’s the simplest description out there for such a place.

Hearing Selene talk about it made it sound tame almost. More like a club and lounge with bedrooms than an all-out orgy at all times. Which, for my sheltered self, is really hard to imagine.

In order to join, every prospective member is required to complete a membership application, then they’re asked to connect with a current member willing to sponsor them and complete one of their monthly BDSM 101 classes, which are held via Zoom.

Hence why I’m currently locked in my bedroom in my apartment where I live alone, waiting for the host of this call to let me into the meeting.

All of this so I can become a member of a sex club and attend my best friend’s engagement party.

Suddenly, the screen changes and my face reflects back to me in one of the rectangles composing a grid on my screen.

There must be over twenty people on the call, all waiting patiently for the class to begin.

In the top left-hand corner of my screen sits a pair labeled as Cy and Ember.

“Hello, everyone. Welcome to The Playground Club’s monthly BDSM 101 class. I’m Ember, and this is my partner Cy.” The Black man grunts out a hello, and I hold back the grin that wants to spread over my face. “Cy and I are part of The Playground family. We are looking forward to class. Tonight is a special treat for all of you, with two special guests leading us. As a reminder, this class does fulfill one of your requirements for The Playground Club. So, you are one step closer to your membership. With that, I will hand it over to our instructors for the evening.”

“Thanks, Ember.” A man with bright eyes and dark hair speckled with gray grabs my attention in the box to the right. “I’m Alvaro Silva, and this is my wife . . .”

“Hi! I’m Bex,” the woman next to him in the box says.

“First, thank you to Cy and Ember for inviting us to teach tonight. It’s always a pleasure to engage with fellow and future kinksters,” the man, Alvaro, continues.

A red flush spreads through my body at the thought of me being roped in with the rest of the people on the call.

Not that there’s anything wrong with being kinky, but like . . . I’m about as vanilla as you can get. I take care of my needs like any woman, mostly by myself but sometimes with a partner. In comparison to my best friend, Selene, though? I’m as basic as Blue Bell’s Homemade Vanilla ice cream.

Selene: You on?

Like she can hear my thoughts, a text comes through.