The blond straightened, his eyes narrowing, his posture tensing as though he expected a fight. And he’d damn well get one if he thought about any ill will toward Alyssa.
Though the blond was taller, Maddox likely had him beat by a good thirty pounds. He’d win, hands down, unless the bastard had something up his sleeve.
“And who exactly are you?” The blond demanded.
Like fuck he was giving this joker his name. “I’m a friend of her boyfriend.”
“You have a boyfriend? You said you never date.” His head whipped back toward Alyssa, and the hint of anger in his tone didn’t go unnoticed.
Alyssa looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She seemed frozen and stuttered. “I…um…well, he’s not really—”
The blond waved his hand rudely in front of her face. “Hello, Alyssa, you don’t date. You’ve been here, what, not even a month? I saw you in Baltimore.”
Maddox wanted to snap his arm off, especially when he reached out to grab her elbow. “Don’t touch her.” His warning came out between clenched teeth, his wolf barely contained beneath his skin.
The male must have sensed the threat. He dropped his hand and focused on Maddox, his posture lowering into more of a crouch. “Just who the fuck are you?”
“I’m the guy who’s going to break your fucking arm if you try to touch her again. Back. Off.”
“Make me.” The words came out slowly, the challenge clear.
Maddox took a step forward.
“Okay, okay, guys,” Alyssa stepped between them, unwittingly putting herself in danger. “I think this has gotten a little out of hand. I think you should both leave.”
“I agree.” Drew’s voice carried down the hall as the alpha stepped out of the elevator. Thank fuck the cavalry was here.
Chapter Twelve
Grateful he’d been at the office only a few streets away, rather than at Wildlings, Drew threw his truck into park and hopped out, slamming the door behind him. Just as Maddox had said, the scent of another shifter filled Drew’s nostrils as he entered the building.
Who the fuck was sniffing around his female? The scent was unfamiliar, so not a member of a nearby pack. Where had he come from?
He paced the elevator car during the lift, attempting to cool his temper. Did Alyssa know him? She claimed to have never met another shifter, yet here was one visiting her apartment. Had she lied?
Stepping off the elevator, he caught the end of their conversation. Maddox and the stray were at a standoff, and Drew didn’t like that Alyssa was between them. “I agree. He needs to leave.”
Alyssa glanced over her shoulder, visible relief crossing her features. Maddox's posture relaxed as Drew approached, but the stray grew more hostile, his gaze burning into Drew. No doubt he’d smelled Drew’s scent on Alyssa.
“Alyssa, you need to go inside now.”
“What?” The relief vanished.
“Go inside now and let me deal with this.”
The blond straightened. “Nothing to deal with.” He reached out a hand as though to touch Alyssa’s shoulder but pulled it back when Maddox growled. “I’m just inquiring about a piece.”
Drew’s gaze narrowed. “I’m sure you are.” He knew exactly what piece the stray wanted.
“Mitch is a fan of my work,” Alyssa explained, still attempting to defuse the situation.
“See, we’re friends.” His smile was slimy. His expression pissed Drew off. If this guy thought he could talk his way out of this, thinking that Alyssa was still attainable, he was sadly mistaken on both accounts.
Again, he reached out to touch her as though he had every right to do so. Drew wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her roughly to his side.
“Well, no,” Alyssa said, and Drew had to wonder just what kind of relationship she had with this guy. It seemed he was constantly a step behind with Alyssa. “We aren’t really friends, and I’ve told you before yesterday, very clearly, as I recall, that I am not interested and for you to please leave me alone.”
Mitch’s gaze lingered on her before flicking to Drew, then Maddox. “You’ve made a grave mistake here, Alyssa.”