Unabashedly, she clung to him. This man, who was a stranger less than seventy-two hours ago, had thoroughly owned her body and connected with her on a level she’d only dared to dream about.
When the tears subsided, and she’d settled, Drew asked, “What happened next?”
“I got away. I could outrun them and found places to hide in back alleys. Once I transformed back, I huddled by the dumpster near the apartment. I must have sat there crying for hours, but then I realized it was getting light out, and my clothing was mostly in tatters. I covered up as best I could and hurried into the house before the city really woke up.”
She took a breath. “I convinced my foster parents to let me stay home from school, that I was sick. I slept most of the day, but once I woke up, I researched. I needed to know what had happened to me and if it would happen again.”
“What did you find?”
Sighing, she said, “Not much. At least nothing helpful. A lot of myths and contradictory information. I wasn’t sure if I was going to change again. I know now that I can change at will, and if I go too long without changing, I get very uncomfortable. It’s its own type of release, you know? I need to do it.”
Drew nodded.
“But I also learned that the full moon sort of dictates a change, too. I’m forced through one each time the moon is at its height. Sneaking out once a month went unnoticed the first few times, but after the third month, they thought I had a drug problem."
“Shit.” He cursed quietly between them.
“Do you really want to hear all this?” Maybe she could avoid telling him the most embarrassing part.
His fingers brushed back her hair. “I want to know everything about you. I want to protect you and give you a proper home, the kind you’ve deserved all along. You belong by my side.”
“I’ve never had that before.” Tears welled in her eyes once again. Cupping his cheek, she lowered her lips to his. Despite how new this relationship was, she felt so comfortable with him. What started as a tender kiss quickly turned hungry. His hand settled around her skull, his fist grabbing a handful of her hair to direct her. She opened for him, allowing his tongue access to her mouth.
Groaning, she shifted on his lap. Her fingers brushed the scruff on his jaw, and her bare thighs straddled his legs.
When he tore his mouth away, they were both panting. She’d been moments away from rubbing against him, eager for another orgasm.
“You and your hot little body won’t distract me again.” He tugged on her hair for emphasis, coaxing a naughty little smile from her. She felt free and alive in a way she never had before.
Rolling her hips, she let her bare pussy collide with his hard shaft. “You sure about that?”
He growled, the sound deep and sexy. Alyssa wasn’t sure if it had come from the wolf or the man. She wanted to make love with him again, but as her wolf rustled beneath the surface, she knew she wanted to run with him too, to change into their beasts and let their instincts rule. What would it be like to hunt in a pair? To have someone to enjoy the outdoors with?
Drew brought her back. “Tell me what happened next.”
“The next place they sent me was out in the country. I loved it there. The foster parents were pretty relaxed, and it was much easier to come and go as I pleased. They were happy as long as I was there for dinner and my grades didn’t slip. After my first shift, I’d started failing a few classes in the city.”
“Understandably, with all the stress you were under.”
“Yeah, but they all thought it was drugs. The new foster parents, though, they gave me a chance, even with my history. They didn’t judge me. But there was a boy.”
Drew chuckled. “Isn’t there always? What happened?”
“He befriended me. We lived in the same house. He liked me, I think. He was the first boy to show any interest in me.”
“I doubt that,” Drew interrupted.
Alyssa smirked. “Well, first one I noticed, anyway. He was forward and friendly. I grew to trust him.” She hesitated. “I told him I could shift into a wolf.”
His hold tightened, and his gaze was direct. “You didn’t.”
Nodding, Alyssa explained. “He’d been so nice to me. Told me he understood exactly what I was going through. We’d kissed a few times. I so desperately wanted to have someone be like me. This was a couple of years after my first shift. I didn’t know any better and didn’t want to be alone anymore.”
“How did he react when you told him?”
She gave a weak smile. “He said he could shift, too.”
Drew’s brow furrowed. “Seriously?”