Frowning, Alyssa watched as Drew approached. She remembered falling asleep in his arms. But how long ago was that? Darkness filled her window, telling her the day was over. Had she slept all day? Had Drew been here the whole time?
Dragging the blanket up her body, Drew covered her bare breasts and whispered in her ear, “We’ve got company, babe.”
“What?” She ran a hand through her wild hair. She was still groggy with sleep and didn’t comprehend until a man rose near her door. His back had been to them, but he turned.
His gaze flicked first to her, then up to Drew. “All done here, Boss.”
Drew’s hands felt heavy on her shoulders as they held her steady when she would have slunk back down to the bed. “Thanks, Gregory.”
He glanced at her again. “It’s nice to meet you, you know, officially.” Confusion must have been evident on her face because he continued. “I was there last night.”
Panicked, she looked up at Drew.
“I’m bringing her to meet the pack tomorrow. I trust you’ll be silent until then?”
Gregory cracked a smile. “No worries, man.”
Drew gave the man a nod, and seconds later, he was gone, closing the door behind him.
“He fixed my door?”
“I asked him to. After all, I’m the one who broke it.”
“Yes. Yes, you did.” She frowned. She’d never reprimanded him for breaking into her home. Another thought occurred to her. She’d slept without the safety of a locked door. It wasn’t the sketchiest thing she’d done regarding her safety. Often, she spent nights sleeping in her car. As a woman, it was a scary thing to do, but as one that changed into a wolf, she always figured she was safe. “Introducing me to the pack? I’m assuming they’re the wolves that were there last night?”
“Yep. We have a lot to talk about before that, though. But first…” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers for a close-mouthed kiss that left her lips buzzing, her body primed, and her core wet. “Shower or food?”
Despite her ramped-up libido, her stomach grumbled at the prospect of being fed. “Food. Definitely, food.”
“Sounds good.” He stepped away from the bed and headed toward her little kitchenette. “I brought up your groceries, though there wasn’t much of substance there. Do you want me to order something?”
Pulling the blanket off the bed, she used it to cover herself as she searched for her clothing. “No, we can pick at whatever’s in there.”
When she picked up her shirt, Drew crossed the room and snatched it from her hands. “I’d rather you dine naked.”
She gestured to his jeans. “But you have clothes on.”
“Because Gregory was here. I can lose them if you’d rather.” His grin was wicked, and the scent of his arousal flooded her nostrils, making her body quiver. How was it possible that she still wanted him so badly?
If they both stayed naked, they’d never get to the food, and her stomach protested that thought. She snagged his T-shirt from the floor and pulled it over her head before tossing her arms wide. “How’s this?”
He eyed her with humor. “Fine.” He turned to the kitchen before tossing her shirt over his shoulder, “But no panties.”
Alyssa glanced at the item in question. Was she really going to sit her naked ass down and eat with him? But putting the wet undergarment on wasn’t that appealing, nor was hunting for a fresh pair in her luggage.
Drew pulled out a selection of fruit and vegetables from the fridge, whipped up a few peanut butter sandwiches, and then set it all beside a big tub of pasta salad. There wasn’t much to choose from, but Alyssa would worry about that later once she decided if she was staying in town.
When she crossed the room, Drew directed her to his lap and urged her to sit. Fully aware that she’d honored his request, her face flushed, but she sat regardless. Not waiting for the conversation or for him to eat first, Alyssa reached for her sandwich and wasted no time gobbling down the first half.
Drew ate at a slower rate, his free hand stroking her bare thigh.
She took a long drink of water before popping a strawberry into her mouth.
“So tell me what you know about who you are.” His statement made her choke on the last bite of her sandwich.
“That’ll take all of three seconds.” She shoved her plate away and, without looking at him, said, “I’m a werewolf.”
When no reply came, she lifted her gaze to his. The only time she’d confessed her paranormal ability, it had altered her life. She still feared telling anyone. But this was Drew. He was like her. And this time, she was sure of it.