“What does that mean?”
His hand slid down, his thumb cradling her jaw, his big palm curled around her neck. “It means I’m here to protect you.”
“You don’t see me as a threat?”
His eyes narrowed. “Should I?”
She tried to shake her head, but his hold tightened. She should have felt scared, but it just turned her on more. “No, definitely not.”
“Good.” He inched closer. “Let’s get another thing straight right now. You’re not leaving. We’re going to talk this whole thing out, okay?”
His touch was so comforting, his words so soothing. After a long pause, she confessed, “I don’t really want to go.”
She finally felt like she belonged. This little town in Maine had crept into her soul and taken root. She wanted to stay, work on her art, and learn more about these people who were just like her. And maybe, just maybe, enjoy Drew.
“Stay with me.” He sucked in a deep breath. “We have a lot to talk about.”
But Alyssa didn’t want to talk. “Do we have to?”
He laughed. The air left his lungs and whooshed along her face. His breath was minty and clean, and his scent surrounded her. “We should. It’s not particularly what I really want to do, however.”
Her voice came out husky when she asked, “What do you really want to do?”
He treated her to a crooked little grin that would have melted her panties if they weren’t already a wicked mess. “You’re my mate, Alyssa. What do you think I want to do?”
For a moment, she thought about what she wanted and felt a blush rise on her skin.
His head lowered, his lips inches from hers. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
“That thought that had you go red?”
She swallowed. Her gaze locked on his blue eyes framed by thick lashes. Her mate. What did that entail? She was about to find out. Taking a risk, she replied, “I have all these questions, all these worries, and so much bottled up, but all I can think about is how badly I want to get my hands on your cock.”
For the briefest of seconds, his eyebrows rose, then heat flooded his gaze, his expression intensified, and he yanked her toward him.
Their lips collided as her arms twined around his neck. She opened to him, letting his tongue invade her mouth and dance with her own. He held her head still with one hand, angling her to his advantage. The other hand grasped her ass, pulling her closer.
Yes. God, yes.
This is what she’d needed since she first saw him in that coffee shop. She needed to be wrapped around him, to be beneath him. It was primal and powerful and awesome.
Groaning, she tried to get even closer, as though they could become one if she rubbed against him just right. He stepped toward her, forcing her backward until she hit the wall. He pulled back for a second, allowing them each a moment to catch their breaths. His gaze roamed rapidly over her face, and she wondered what he saw. Did he see a woman so needy she was willing to let a virtual stranger have his way with her when only moments before she was ready to bolt? Or had he really seen his mate, the woman made for him?
Well, if he was made for her, she certainly didn’t have any complaints. And if he belonged to her, then…
Reaching between them, she grasped his erection through his jeans and rubbed her palm against him.
His quick, indrawn breath told her he liked her bold move.
Seconds later, that firm hand pulled her toward him, and his mouth closed over hers again.
When he ripped himself away a second time, he took hold of her wrist and tugged her toward the bed. “Questions be damned. I need to be inside you.” He tossed a heated glance her way. “You need it too.”
Boy did she ever, but something nagged at her. “Wait!”
She considered it a good sign when he immediately stopped. He didn’t release her, but he paused and waited for her to speak.