Page 47 of Drew

“He got away.” Drew slipped his arm around Alyssa. “I’ll alert all the neighboring packs and those in New Hampshire and Vermont, as well as the Canadian provinces. We’ll catch this fucker. I want his head, and I don’t care who takes it off his shoulders.”

Alyssa placed a palm on his chest. His rage was palpable. She wondered if he’d ever been this worked up if the pack had ever faced a threat this big before.

“I want both of you,” Drew said, addressing Callum and Maddox, “to find him. Pack what you need and follow him. Drag his ass back here so we can take care of him.”

Pulling out his phone, Callum nodded. As he scrolled through his phone, he was up and out of his seat.

“I know you had plans to go,” Drew started, but Callum waved away his concern.

“I can make do. We’ll find this guy first, and then I’ll hop a bus and head north.”

Suddenly, Fredrica was out of Maddox's arms and frowning at her brother. “Where are you going?”

He shot Drew a frustrated look. Clearly, she and Fredrica were out of the loop.

“I’m going on a brief trip to visit Elliot.”

Fredrica gasped. “You most certainly are not.”

Callum laughed at her tone. “Okay, Mom.”

Unrelenting, Fredrica stalked across the room and snatched his phone away. “Does Mom know where you’re going, because there’s no way in hell she’ll be okay with it.”

Ignoring his sister, Callum glared at Drew. “Thanks.”

As though it didn’t matter, Drew shrugged. “She was going to find out eventually.”

The anger had leaked away, and in a shaky, concerned voice, she asked, “Why do you want to go there?”

Callum took a deep breath and considered her. Carefully, he retrieved his phone from where it hung limply in her grasp. “This is something I have to do, and I promise we’ll talk about it later, but with every second we waste right now, Mitch gets further away.” He nodded over her head to Maddox, who then started toward the door. “Let’s go.”

Maddox stopped once to kiss Fredrica goodbye. After his quick peck, she dragged him back down for a more thorough kiss that lasted until Callum opened the front door and shouted, “Lover-boy, get a move on!”

Once the door had closed behind them, Fredrica turned to Drew. “They’ll be okay?”

“They’ll be fine.” Drew’s tone left no room for question. Alyssa was pretty confident that they could find Mitch. While he might consider himself sly, Alyssa had faith in Callum and Maddox. “Hopefully, back before the end of the week.”

Alyssa wanted to believe that. She’d finally found a place where she belonged, but having Mitch’s dirty shadow haunting her was having her question her welcome. She’d brought this on the pack. She’d brought this to Drew’s door.

“I shouldn’t have left you.” Fredrica apologized. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Shuddering, Alyssa remembered the rope hanging from Mitch’s hand. “But I don’t think I’m the first woman he’s tried to abduct. He’s a predator and needs to be stopped.”

“I should have stayed with you. Can you forgive me?”

Before she could reply, Drew squeezed her. “Turns out there’s no reason to worry. My mate is fierce and can handle herself.” He glanced down at her. “She’s beautiful, creative, and strong. Perfect for our pack.” He leaned close and brushed his lips over hers. “Perfect for me.”

“Good,” Alyssa said with a smile. “Because you were made for me.”

Chapter Nineteen

Three weeks had passed since Callum and Maddox had left to follow Mitch. Though Fredrica and Maddox spoke on the phone often, Alyssa knew it was hard on Fredrica to have her mate so far away. She felt guilty for her role in what had transpired, and part of her wished she’d broken the asshole’s neck so they would all be done with this mess.

Drew had unknowingly piled more guilt on her shoulders when he told her of Callum’s plans to search out his mate. Now he was delayed because of her, and she wondered if he’d missed his chance at finding his mated female. She didn’t want to be responsible for that.

To distract herself, she’d turned her focus to becoming an active part of the pack. Having a permanent home had opened her up to additional needs. She no longer needed to worry about being able to pack quickly and leave rapidly, which gave her a chance to expand her wardrobe. All her clothing no longer required to fit into one suitcase, so she’d gone shopping with several of the female pack members.

Though Drew had given her the freedom to change whatever she wanted in his home, she hadn’t felt the need, aside from adding her grooming products to the bathroom and her clothing in the closet. Since meeting him, they rarely spent time at her apartment. Though it seemed fast, and she wasn’t ready to give up her independence, she didn’t see the point of paying rent for a place she didn’t use.