Page 35 of Drew

“Don’t hesitate to ask. It’s a lot to take in all at once.” After parking the truck, he lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I will always make time for you and answer any question you have honestly. You are my partner, my mate. And although it may take you time to truly understand what you mean to me, know that I am always here for you.”

Her heart hammered in her chest, and tears rose in her eyes. At first, she’d disregarded all her recent tears and emotional turmoil, claiming lack of sleep caused them, but today she was well-rested. It was the situation. She was happy. And when was the last time she could claim she’d been truly happy?

“Ready?” He popped open his door, letting the winter breeze into the cab.

Nodding, she unfastened her belt and stepped out of the vehicle. She was about to meet the pack. Her new family, whether she liked it or not. She just hoped they liked her.

When they arrived at the sanctuary, a tall, slender woman with a platinum pixie cut, dark lipstick, and two full sleeves of tattoos greeted them. She wore an off-the-shoulder sweater and ripped jeans. She was effortlessly stylish.

“Hi, I’m Fredrica. Maddox told me you were coming.” She rubbed her hands together. “I’m so excited to meet you!”


“Yes, you. Not only have you captured Drew’s elusive attention,” she said, glancing affectionately toward the alpha, “but I love your work.”


Fredrica nodded. “Yep. You’ve accumulated a following. I think some of your landscapes would be perfect for Wildlings. In fact, Drew’s office has this great, big, barren wall. It needs you desperately. Something on display from our very own pack member would be awesome.”

Beside her, Drew tensed. “Maddox wasn’t supposed to say anything.”

Fredrica shrugged her slender shoulders. “We’re mates. Of course, we’re going to talk.”

“I might have to muzzle him.”

“Please don’t.” Fredrica didn’t take the threat seriously, based on her smile. “I like his lips and his tongue intact.”

“Not what a guy wants to hear his little sister say.” Callum’s voice preceded him from the hallway to the right of the entrance.

“I don’t particularly enjoy the visual either.” Drew frowned, prompting a laugh from Fredrica.

“Still waiting for a few members to arrive,” Callum informed Drew. “But you’ve got a problem to deal with before addressing them.”

“I’m still working on solving the last problem that crept up. I assume Maddox updated you.”

Alyssa figured they were talking about Mitch. Drew had asked her if Mitch had ever given her anything. She’d been curious why that would matter, but then realized he wanted something with Mitch’s scent. Mitch had given her a necklace with a little wolf on it. A vendor had handcrafted it at one fair where she was selling her paintings. Another sign that she should have been more cautious.

“Yeah, but this problem needs immediate attention.” Callum’s gaze slipped briefly to her. “Hi, Alyssa. Nice to see you again. We met the other night.”

She nodded. “At the gallery. I remember.” It would be nice to know at least one familiar face when she met the pack for the first time.

He looked back at Drew and lowered his voice. “Shaw and his niece are here. I got the impression they’re already planning things.”

“I haven’t agreed to anything,” Drew growled.

“And thank fuck for that,” Callum replied. “Or you’d be really screwed right now.”

“Why don’t you go with Fredrica? She’ll show you around the facility while I deal with this issue.” Drew placed his hand on the small of her back and urged her closer to the other woman before turning to Callum. “You and I need to talk before I go in there. I need to know exactly what she said to you the last time they were here.”

Alyssa didn’t like the scowl on Drew’s face or his growled tone. Whatever was going on seemed to be an unpleasant problem. But Fredrica pulled her attention away. “Come on. You have to meet Izzy. She’s the best.”

It turned out Izzy was a red-tailed hawk who had been hit by a car and suffered brain damage. She couldn’t hunt and hence was living indefinitely at the facility. Fredrica, Alyssa learned, was a bubbly woman with an abundance of energy. She alternatively fawned over Alyssa’s art career, showed off the animals and the facility, and explained her position at Master’s Grilling. Fredrica was the company’s graphic designer and website guru. She ran the website for Master’s Grilling and Wildlings and did all their graphics.

As her informal tour ended, Alyssa asked, “So you’re a shifter, too?”

“Yep.” The loops in her ears moved when she nodded her head.

“And you’re mated?”