Page 31 of Drew

The threat was unmistakable. Drew’s teeth sawed together, and his hand tightened on her hip. “Go inside. Now.” He pushed her toward the open doorframe.

“What?” She balked at his order. “No way. You will not barge in here and start dictating to me.”

Now was not the time or place for their first argument as a couple. “Get in the apartment. Now.”

The blond man—Mitch—laughed. “A domestic spat. How cute.” His lips curled as he spoke. Drew was ready to shift and go for the throat, but Mitch brushed by. “You don’t need to worry. I’m leaving. I would hate to witness you getting your ass chewed too.” His gaze swung to Alyssa. “I want that painting. And a moment of your time. We have things to discuss.”

Enough was enough. Drew pushed Alyssa behind him. “Get out of my town.”

Pressing the call button, Mitch snorted, clearly choosing to ignore the order.

Next to him, Maddox emanated a low snarl. Mitch turned, his gaze sharp. “You can’t keep me from her forever.”

“You have until dusk to get out of town. If we see you again, you’re dead.”


He ignored Alyssa’s gasp.

Mitch glared but said nothing until he was in the elevator. As the doors slid shut, he gave a slight grin. “Don’t worry. You won’t see me again.”

Drew snarled but didn’t make it down the hall before the elevator closed. “Damn.” He slammed his fist against the silver door.

“That’s not the last we’ll see of him,” Maddox unnecessarily informed him.

“No shit.” Drew pinned Alyssa with his gaze. “When I give you an order, you follow it.”

She cocked a fist on her hip. “I thought you said we were a team. That you were a modern man. Modern men don’t go all barbaric and threaten innocent people because they’re jealous.”

“Whether you like it or not, when it comes to your safety, you will obey every goddamn order I give. I’m not compromising on that.”

“I’m safe from Mitch, I assure you.” She scoffed, all attitude and anger. “I can handle one little stalker.”

The word stalker sent a chill down his spine.

“Want me to go after him?” Maddox was already at the stairwell, the door ajar.

Drew shook his head. “No. Get ahold of Callum. Tell him I want the pack assembled at Wildlings within the hour. Help him get it done.”

Alyssa eyed Maddox. “So he’s a shifter too?”

“You can’t tell?” Maddox asked with concern. When she shook her head, he and Drew shared a look. A shifter was stalking her, and she hadn’t realized it. She’d been in danger for who knew how long.

“Go,” he told Maddox before turning his attention to Alyssa. “Get back in the apartment.” Letting his wolf take a bit of control, he growled the words, demanding her obedience.

Alyssa glared at him before doing as he’d ordered. He met her in the living room, shutting the apartment door after Maddox disappeared down the stairs.

“We have to get a few things straight.”

“Damn right we do,” he replied, though he doubted she realized just who needed straightening out. “What the hell were you thinking? You shouldn’t be alone with him!”

“Why? Because I belong to you? Don’t feed me some line about being progressive, then puff out your chest and go all old world on me just because I’m having a conversation with a guy. You dictating who I can and can’t talk to will not fly. I don’t care if you’re alpha, president, or fucking king of your pack. That shit ain’t happening.”

Her outburst would have amused him if he hadn’t been so pissed. “Are you finished?”

“No! How dare you think you can control me!”

He took a step forward. “When it comes to your safety, I am in control.”