Page 33 of Dibs on the Chef

“I think we know what she’s so happy about,” Sarah answered. We all dissolved into a fit of giggles.

“He’s great,” Lissa said. “I’m so glad I came on this trip. Thank you girls so much for coming with me.”

“See?” Jessie prodded. “I told you the game was fun! Where are we going next?”

She looked around the table, waiting for a response. Nobody offered one.

“Oh, come on, guys!” she said. “I picked the last two trips. Someone has to have an idea. Anyone?”

Sarah cut the awkward tension like a knife. “I think I’m done going on trips,” she said.

Jessie scowled.

“You can’t just quit, Sarah,” she said. “This is tradition. You don’t just throw out tradition. We’re friends. We’ve been taking these trips together since college!”

“And I’d go on a million more trips with you if that’s what they were—just trips,” Sarah explained. “The game has ruined it for me, and if I’m being completely blunt with you, Jessie, I don’t think we’re friends anymore. You and I have grown apart. We have nothing in common.”

An audible gasp escaped Jessie’s lips. She turned to me for support.

“I’m not going on the next trip, either, if the game’s involved,” Niki said.

“Oh, really?” Jessie mocked. “What? Are you and Rufus that serious you can’t play the game again? You’re going to settle for the first man who says he’s got feelings for you?”

“Stop it, Jessie,” Lissa said. “Niki never liked the game. You pushed and pushed for her to play, and she did. Now she’s done with it. That’s her call. I’m done with it, too. This was my only time playing.”

“You didn’t even play,” Jessie snarled, rolling her eyes. “You forfeited. And you cheated anyway. I couldn’t get Smithy to stay interested in me in the beginning because YOU kept sabotaging with your giggly little flirting and pissing off his boss.”

Lissa didn’t accept that response. “You couldn’t keep Smithy interested because he’s a nice guy that can see through whatever act this is you’re putting on,” she said.

“An act?” Jessie shrieked. “Smithy’s a scuba instructor. He’s lucky I’m even giving him the time of day. Do you know how famous I am? You’re the daughter of a failed actress!”

I couldn’t take anymore. I stood up from the table, scooting my chair hard across the deck planks. I grabbed my purse from the back of my chair and slammed it onto the tabletop. I reached inside, grabbing the check Lissa had written for the trip, and ripped it to shreds, dropping each piece like confetti onto Jessie’s plate.

“I’m sick of you, too,” I said. “And I no longer accept Lissa’s forfeiture. She won. You lost. Thanks for the trip.”

At that, I slung my purse over my shoulder and headed for my cabin. Matteo was waiting at my door when I got there. He could see the tension on my face as I walked near.

“What is the matter?” he asked. “Everything alright, veloce?”

“Yes,” I said. “Jessie just got an earful from all the rest of us. I’m so done with her.”

He extended his arms to hug me. “I am sorry,” he said. “I know these things are stressful for you. How can I help?”

I smiled at him. “Do you have time to come in for a cuddle?” I asked, pouting my bottom lip.

He smiled, kissing the tip of my nose. “Of course, I do,” he said. “Anything for my veloce.”

I grabbed his hand, pulling him through the door with me. His lips met mine in a passionate kiss as he ran his hands over my hips and up the back of my shirt, his skin against mine.

I didn’t waste any time. I pulled the shirt over my head and undid my bra, leaving little question of my true intentions for inviting him inside.

“Ooh,” he said. “You’re serious about this cuddling.”

I tugged loose his belt buckle and smiled at him. “Very,” I smirked.

Within moments, we were naked together on my bed. He was on his back as I straddled him on top, rocking my hips, riding him passionately as the noisy crowd in the hallway passed us by. I moaned in pleasure without a care in the world—no longer feeling like I had to be quiet or reserved in the presence of others. I was on this trip to enjoy myself, and the thing I enjoyed most on this cruise was how it felt to have Matteo inside me. His hands grabbed my hips firmly as he leaned forward, kissing my neck.

Before long, we reached climax together. His fingers dug into my skin as I wrapped my arms tight around his shoulders, moaning loudly into his ear as I rode out the waves of pleasure coursing through my body.