Page 31 of Dibs on the Chef

Until I hit the sand.

The small wagon wheels barely turned on the soft terrain. It was a difficulty I had not anticipated when I started the trip back from the bookstore. My shoulders grew tense as I did my best to pull the heavy books.

Finally, a friendly voice called out from ahead.

“Need a hand?”

I looked up, and there stood Smithy in his board shorts, scratching his head, staring at me confused. I guess, by the sight of a woman on a cruise lugging a wagon full of books.

“Please!” I said. “Thank you so much!”

Pulling the wagon through the sand was so effortless for Smithy it was almost embarrassing.

“You’re Jessie’s friend, right?” he asked as we made our way across the beach toward the boat.

I paused, unsure how to answer. “I grew up with Jessie,” I said. “I’m not sure what we are anymore.”

He nodded. “I understand,” he said. He paused for a moment, then continued. “She’s a lot, isn’t she?”

I laughed. “She can be,” I said. “Is she driving you crazy?”

“You could say that,” he said, pulling the wagon up onto the boardwalk. “You got it from here?”

“Yes!” I said. “Thank you so much for your help.”

He handed the handle of the wagon back to me, and I turned to pull it the rest of the way inside, but paused, thinking about what he’d just said.

“Smithy!” I called out back to him.

He stopped, turning toward me.

“I think Jessie’s got something good in her,” I said. “She just can’t see it in herself, you know? So she acts tough, but really, inside she’s soft. Go easy on her, okay?”

He smiled and nodded back at me. “I think you’re right,” he said.

I turned back toward the boat and made my way up the ramp with the wagon, turning toward the kitchen where I already knew Matteo would be working.

I was lucky to catch him alone.

“Hi!” I said, walking into the kitchen, lugging the wagon behind me.

He looked up from the vegetables he was cutting and gave me a slight smile. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

I pulled the wagon in front of me and kicked it, rolling it toward him. “Brought you something,” I said.

He looked down at the wagon, confused. It took a moment for the realization to set in what he was staring at. When he did, he let out a gasp. “Veloce!” he exclaimed. “Where did you find these books?”

I laughed. “There’s a used book store in town!” I said. “I went in just looking, and the next thing I know, I’m staring at the same set of books you just told me about. It’s kismet!”

He laughed with me. “I cannot believe this!” he said.

I walked toward him, extending my arms for a hug. “Do you like them?” I asked.

“I do,” he smiled, pulling me into his arms.

I couldn’t wait anymore. I kissed him, and it was like fireworks.

“So what are your passions?” he asked me, teasing.