Page 24 of Dibs on the Chef

Chapter 15

A banging on the door woke us both up in the morning.

“Matteo!” Abby called out. “It’s an emergency!”

Matteo leapt from the bed and threw on the sweatpants from the floor before running to answer the door. “What is happening?” I heard him ask.

“Huge storm,” Abby answered. Her voice was shaky with fear. “Captain wants everyone to hunker down in the kitchen.”

I rolled out of bed and started getting myself dressed, too. Matteo returned to his room, pulling open the closet and changing quickly into his work uniform. As we neared the door to his cabin, we could hear the frantic running of other staff in the hall, each having just been woken up to take cover.

I looked at Matteo nervously. “They’re going to see me down here,” I said.

“Do not worry about that now,” he said. “I will tell them I brought you here if it becomes a problem. It will not, though.”

I nodded. He reached for my hand and led me out the door, into the crowded hallway where people were slowly making their way up the stairs. The sight of the crowd in a panic to get to safety was more than I could bear. For the first time, maybe ever in my life, I felt truly in danger- like my life could be coming to an abrupt and unhappy end.

The familiar tightening of my chest began. I was heading into a panic attack. As my breath quickened, I looked to Matteo for comfort.

He turned toward me. His face scanned mine and instantly recognized that I felt in danger. My body tensed, and my brain blanked. I was unable to even step forward.

Matteo recognized the signs that I was giving in to my anxiety.

“It’s all fine, veloce,” he said, picking me up and carrying me. “I have you. It is all just fine.”

We arrived in the kitchen to a crowd of horrified faces. I scanned the crowd, finding each of the other girls and breathed relief, knowing they were okay.

Matteo and his crew got to work, slamming shut windows and shudders, securing cabinet doors and sharp objects. “Hide anywhere you can find place to fit!” he yelled over the crowd. “Be reasonable with each other! We are all going to make it through!”

He helped me underneath a counter and instructed me to cover my head. “You will be okay,” he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead. “We train for these things. This is the safest place on the ship.”

“Come under with me!” I pleaded.

“I cannot, cuore mio. I must help the others.” He kissed me one more quick kiss, then shut the cabinet door.

I was alone in the dark, listening only to the excited shrieking sounds of the crowd outside as the boat rocked violently back and forth. My breath caught in my chest, and my heart pounded in my eardrums. This could not be happening. I shouldn’t have agreed to come on this trip. Now I was going to end up like the Titanic, only my Leo was off saving the rest of the yacht. The room was shrinking, and I couldn’t escape this.

I tried to breathe deep, counting to ten between breaths. I was petrified we would capsize. Every huge rock, one direction or the next, had me certain we were on our way to a complete over turn. I braced my hands on the top of the cupboard for support, preparing for what I thought was an unavoidable rollover.

As quickly as the storm came on, though, it also departed. The crowd quickly dispersed, each off to check their belongings in their cabins for damage. Matteo opened the cupboard door, extending a hand to help me out.

I leapt from the hiding spot and wrapped my arms around him, happy to see him safe. Happy to be safe. “Thank you!” I said. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

He chuckled. “Of course I am fine!” he declared. “I told you! This was no big deal!”

I looked around at the mess in the kitchen. All of the prep-work the kitchen staff had been working on lay scattered across the floor—a casualty of sliding tables and cleared counters. There was a pile of broken dishes against the wall where plates had fallen and slid. The place was a disaster.

“Where’s the broom?” I asked.

“What?” Matteo replied.

“The broom!” I said. “You have a broom? You guys need to get started on figuring out the next meal. You’re down plates, and this kitchen looks like a war zone. I don’t have the skills to do most of what you need done, but I can sweep. Let me help.”

Matteo smiled at me. “Are you sure?” he asked. “You do not have to do anything. We can handle it all, but I would love the help if you’re sincere.”

“I am,” I said. My smile was growing wider at the idea of helping him get back to work. “I want nothing more than to help you right now, so please—where is the broom?”

Matteo unlatched a tall cupboard door, revealing two brooms hanging from hooks on the inside. He grabbed one and tossed it to me. He handed the other to Esme. “Thank you, ladies,” he said. “It’s much appreciated!”