Page 7 of Rescue

“It is.” Vrax kept his hands on his side as Tori pivoted away and joined two female crew members at a nearby metal table, one Zaandr recognized as the ship’s pilot and another he knew was the Lycithian shape-shifter because of her distinctive lavender hair. “If there was a closer planet than Kurril, we would go there. And if I was not known on the outlaw planet, I would join you.”

“You are known?” He remembered hearing of Vrax’s adventures when he’d stowed away with Tori on another bounty hunter’s ship, but so much had happened to all the Dothveks after meeting the women that the details eluded him.

Vrax threw one leg over the metal bench and sat next to Zaandr. “I hope the aliens we angered have left Kurril, but there is much to avoid in the Den of Thieves.”

As his kinsman outlined all the dangers of the city, Zaandr snuck a glance at Tegan. The thought of anything bad happening to the beautiful human with the tentative smile made his gut twist into a knot.

No harm will come to you on my watch.

When she glanced at him with a curious and confused expression, he jerked my gaze away. It was impossible that she’d sensed his thoughts. Wasn’t it?



Zaandr stood with Rixx at the top of the lowered ramp and surveyed the planet. Dust swirled up with the hot wind, making it hard to make out the city beyond the shipyard. He could see the shapes of stone buildings, but the spires and towers blended in with the murky sky.

As soon as Vrax had told him about Kurril and the city on the planet known as the Den of Thieves, Zaandr had been both fascinated and nervous. Part of the appeal of joining his Dothvek brothers on the bounty hunting ship was the opportunity to see other worlds, but he was realizing more and more just how unique his home world was, and how dangerous the universe could be. His home planet might have its share of sand creatures, but it contained no hot spots for criminals and murders like the one he was viewing.

“Did Vrax tell you where this market would be?” his best friend asked.

Zaandr nodded. “Generally, although he was being dragged to a slave market the last time he arrived, so his memories aren’t clear.”

Rixx laughed then shot him a wary look. You are serious?

It only took him a glance to know that Zaandr was not teasing him.

“Are you my guards?”

The female voice from behind prevented Rixx from asking any more questions, and they both turned.

“Tegan.” Rixx beamed at her as the woman eyed us both with obvious reservation.

He’d been strictly instructed not to delve into the minds of the humans on board, but it didn’t take empathic abilities to know that she wasn’t sure about this mission. He didn’t know if it was the destination itself, or the two Dothveks, or a bit of both, but she was nervous.

“You have nothing to worry about,” Rixx said, clearly picking up on her mood, as well. “We’ve been given directions to the market. We’ll be in and out before anyone knows we’re there.”

Tegan wore a strange assemblage of brown clothing—pants tucked into lace-up boots, then topped with a hooded shirt and a duster coat that hung open to reveal a leather crossbody bag. Everything was worn and scuffed, but Zaandr thought she would probably fit in better than he and Rixx would with their bare, gold chests and tattooed arms.

Tegan flipped up her hood. “Then let’s go.”

She walked between them and down the ramp as both Dothveks walked briskly to keep up. Rixx caught her first, matching her stride as they walked across the dry, hardpacked ground and toward the stone arch leading into the Den of Thieves. Zaandr was half a pace behind, which he didn’t mind, as he scanned the area around them for anyone approaching.

Even though Rixx was also supposed to be on his guard, he seemed more interested in talking with Tegan. That was fine by Zaandr. He wasn’t good at talking to females, especially a pretty human. He remembered bumping into her in the corridor and their awkward conversation where he’d practically shouted at her that he wasn’t the father of one of the babies due on board. He was sure the midwife thought he was crazy, or weird, or both.

At the moment, he couldn’t worry about that. He was too busy taking in the approaching city and the low din of shouts and volatile chatter beyond the shipyard. But it wasn’t the sounds of the city that concerned him, it was the swirl of dark thoughts and ill intent that hummed beneath the surface.

As they reached the imposing arch, Zaandr heard a high-pitched sound from below. He looked down and saw that Pog had followed them from the ship and was zooming around their feet. Tegan hadn’t noticed, but Rixx was doing his best to hold her attention as he talked animatedly.

Zaandr scooped up the little green ball of fur. “You aren’t supposed to be here.”

Pog chirped at him then started purring. Zaandr shook his head and picked up his pace so that he was walking on the other side of the female.

“I think this is for you.” He handed her the Lycithian creature.

Tegan stopped and stared down at the pet. “Pog! You aren’t supposed to be here.”

“I don’t think he’s a great listener,” Zaandr deadpanned.