Page 14 of Rescue

“So, you are witches?” Tegan knew she’d sensed magic from the female who’d escorted them. Meri undoubtedly had mystical powers.

“Not in the way you might think, but there are those of us who have powers. We do not curse people or cast hexes though.”

“Vrax met a witch when he was on Kurril,” Zaandr said. “She did believe in hexes.”

Rose’s face darkened. “There is a great deal of black magic on Kurril. Some of the victims we save are from those houses.”

“I get that you help victims here, but why are you helping us?” Tegan asked.

Rose crossed to the fire and held her hands to it. “Meri saw your friend being taken. She said it was as efficient an operation as she’d ever seen. It wasn’t an abduction of opportunity.” She flicked her gaze at Zaandr. “Although I would not be surprised if anyone on Kurril wished to get their hands on aliens like you. You would be prized in the fighting pits, as well as in some of the pleasure houses.”

Zaandr made a low noise in the back of his throat. “Rixx is a brave Dothvek warrior. I will not let him be abused or broken by those who deserve nothing but slow, painful deaths.”

It didn’t take an empath to sense the rage radiating from him, and it made Tegan shiver.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Rose pivoted back to them, and shadows from the fire danced across the side of her face, making her cheekbones seem even sharper. “But they took your clansman for a reason. It was like they were waiting for him. Do you have any idea why?”

“They couldn’t have been waiting for him,” Tegan said before Zaandr could speak. “He’s never been to this planet, and we only arrived today. Rixx didn’t even know he’d be coming to the market until he was assigned to come with me so I could restock my supplies.”

Zaandr waited for Tegan to finish and then he drew in a breath. “But we are not the first Dothveks to be on Kurril, or be known in the Den of Thieves. Our kinsman Vrax was here before.”

“The one who met the witch?”

He nodded to Rose. “He did not leave her on good terms. He also won in the fighting pits and left the planet in dramatic fashion. The ship we arrived on was taken from Kurril.”

“Are we passengers on a stolen ship?” Tegan hissed at him.

He avoided her gaze, looking at Rose instead. “Our skin and markings are distinct enough that the enemies he made could have been on the lookout for him since his departure.”

Rose gave him a single nod. “We have sent our spies to confirm our theory about where he’s being held. By morning, we will know and can formulate a plan to retrieve him.” She pinned them both with a serious gaze. “Until then, you both must stay hidden.” She took long strides to the door. “You will be locked in for your safety, but I’ll have food sent up. I will return for you in the morning.”

Then she slipped from the room and clicked the door behind her.

Tegan released a breath, weariness from the day overtaking her. Then she looked at the single bed and then at the Dothvek, who was also staring at the bed with a look of surprise.

This was going to be awkward.



Zaandr could feel Tegan’s exhaustion wash over him as if it was his own. The stress of being new on the ship and adjusting to space flight as well as all her crew mates, was added to the worry about Rixx and her fear of the Den of Thieves. And now she was staring at the single bed, and her panic was almost choking him.

“You don’t need to be afraid of me,” he said, fighting the urge to reach out and put a comforting hand on her arm.

“I’m not afraid of you.” The words tripped from her mouth, but they were untrue. She lifted her crossbody bag over her head and put it on one of the chairs beside the fire. Pog tumbled out, gave himself a shake, leapt down, and hurried to the fire. He purred loudly as he circled a few times and then plopped down in a ball in front of the fireplace.

At least one of them would get some sleep, Zaandr thought as he eyed the stiff looking chairs. “I know you are. I can feel your fear, but you don’t need to fear me. I have no intention of doing to you what you think I will.”

She sucked in air and glared at him. “You’re reading my mind!”

“I’m not trying to, but it’s almost impossible not to sense your emotions, Tegan.” He softened his voice. “Have you always been so afraid of males?”

Her gaze darted to his then fell. “I’m not afraid of males exactly. It’s just I’ve seen too much pain and suffering they’ve left behind. I know exactly what one night of fun on a bed like that leads to.” She jerked a thumb toward the bed covered in a flowery spread. “It’s not fun for the mother left behind and alone.”

“I know you’ve seen a lot of pain and heartache. I can feel it.” He took a tentative step closer to her. “I promise you that I am not like any of those males. I cannot imagine abandoning a mother or a child, and I would die before I would ever do anything to hurt you.”

She raised her head and gave him a weak smile. “I know you wouldn’t. I don’t know how I know, but I do. I’m sorry I overreacted. It was instinct.”