Page 3 of Rescue

Rixx jumped down from the top bunk, his thoughts hot with questions. What do you mean?

Zaandr thought about correcting his friend. They’d been told to limit the amount they communicated without talking since they were now living among those who weren’t able to hear thoughts and sense emotions. But it was hard not to slip into the mental shorthand he and Rixx had acquired over their lifetime. He swung his own legs to the floor. “We came on board to fill positions while the females are recovering from childbirth and spending time with their new babies. That need will fade.”

Rixx shook his head. “I disagree, brother. A ship this size needs a larger crew. We have empty cabins as it is.” Then he cocked an eyebrow. “And have you seen the way our Dothvek brothers look at their mates? It will not be long before they are heavy with child again.”

Zaandr’s face warmed at the suggestion, and Rixx laughed, picking up on his discomfort quickly. “Still shy around human women?”

It wasn’t only human women, Zaandr thought. Even though he was as big and brawny as any Dothvek warrior, he’d never felt the brash confidence that Rixx did around females. His friend had been known to charm a Dothvek priestess-in-training out of her robes, while he had only experienced one fumbling encounter with a female.

It wasn’t that he didn’t desire females. He did. But they provoked in him the hammering of his heart and the jangle of his pulse.

Rixx dropped a heavy hand on his bare shoulder. “Do not worry yourself, Zan. Between our work schedule and her delivering babies, we probably won’t even see the new female much.”

Zaandr let out a relived breath and hated himself for it. He was a trained Dothvek warrior who had made it through the tahadu, the coming-of-age gauntlet that every Dothvek warrior had to endure. He was deadly with a blade and was a skilled hunter on the sands. There was little on the Dothvek home world that frightened him. But he wasn’t there anymore.

“Come.” Rixx grabbed his hand and hoisted him to his feet. “We should go to the kitchens before it is time to work again. I know it isn’t time for our group meal, but maybe there is still some of the grilled meat that we brought on board with us.”

Zaandr nodded. The humans weren’t as fond of the pungent meat that was roasted over a spit in their oasis village, so the supply of it they’d brought with them hadn’t dwindled as fast as expected. That, and it had such a strong smell that none of the pregnant females could be in the same room as it. Or, he’d heard, kiss their mate if he’d eaten it, which meant it had been left to him and Rixx to consume.

His mouth watered as they left their quarters and made their way to the kitchens, winding through the tight corridors that were dimly lit. The floor rumbled beneath their feet, the constant reminder they were flying through space, but the sensation no longer startled Zaandr. The jerk in the rumbling did, though.

Rixx stopped quickly, holding up a hand. “That’s not a normal sound for the engines.”

Zaandr was impressed by how fast his friend had picked up the sounds and motions of the ship. Holly had been teaching him to listen to the ship as if he were on the sands back home, and he’d done just that. Now, he could decipher every creak and jolt.

Are you sure? Zaandr asked, too shocked to remember to speak aloud.

He moved his head up and down, his expression grim. I need to get to the engine room.

Zaandr watched him rush off, concern tickling the back of his brain. He brushed it aside. Aside from that initial jolt, there had been nothing. Even if there was an issue, Rixx and Holly could fix it. That, he knew.

Even so, he was no longer in the mood for salty, roasted meat. But he also didn’t want to return to his quarters alone. Turning, Zaandr headed for the bridge. It wasn’t his shift yet, but he didn’t mind getting in some extra study time at the navigational console.

He picked up his pace as he thought about studying the stars, rounding a corner, and running smack into someone. She was also moving fast, so she bounced off his chest. Zaandr had to reach out fast to grab her arms so she wouldn’t fall backward. There was a yelp and a then a chirp. Two someones?

“I’m so sorry.” The female peered at him, her brown hair falling back from her face. Then she looked down at the green fur-ball tucked in the crook of one arm. “Are you okay, Pog?”

Zaandr wrinkled his brow at her in confusion. Was this the new crew mate? Why was she carrying around Bexli’s shape-shifting pet?

“I’m new,” the woman said. “You must be…?”

It took Zaandr a beat to realize she was waiting for him to tell her his name. “Zaandr. I’m also new to the ship, but not as new as you.”

“Hi, not-as-new Zaandr. I’m Tegan.”

He nodded. “I heard you were on board to help with all the babies.”

She raised her eyebrows then narrowed her gaze. “You’re not one of the fathers, are you?”

His eyes popped wide. The thought of touching one of his fellow Dothveks’ mates made his face burn. “Me? One of the fathers? No!”

She gave him a half smile. “So that’s a no?”

He opened his mouth, but then he got the strong sense that she was teasing him.

Tegan stepped back. “I might not be seeing you much then, Zaandr, but it was nice to meet you.”

He nodded mutely as she scooted by him, cursing himself for sounding so foolish. At least she was right. He probably would get very few occasions to embarrass himself with her again.