Page 111 of The Edge of Never


I rubbed my beard with my free hand. Now I had him on the phone, I didn’t know what to say.

“Ye okay?”

I shook my head.

“Am no sure.”

“Where are ye?”

“At the station. I dropped Kit off.”

Saying their name made it hurt more. Being with Kit this week was everything. I didn’t want it to end. Now it had, I regretted not saying anything. Not telling them I wanted more. But it wouldn’t have been fair of me to ask for that. Not when my head was so messed up. And we lived hundreds of miles apart.

“Ye dinnae sound tae happy aboot that.”

“Ye can tell that over the phone, can ye?”


I wanted to grumble, but it would do me no good. Callan always knew when something was wrong.

“And I know something happened between the two of ye on that mountain,” he continued. “Ye wannae enlighten me, or should I take a stab in the dark?”

“I’ll tell ye, but no over the phone.”

“Ye gonnae drag yerself over here then?”

I rolled my eyes and started off in the direction of the entrance to the station to get back to my car.

“Aye, but dinnae give me any shite. Am no feeling okay.”

“Yer ankle still hurting ye?”

“A wee bit, but it’s no that.”

I wasn’t going to elaborate right then. He could wait until I got to his place. There was too much to say and too many feelings knocking around in my head. Ones I’d been ruminating over for the past week. I needed help making sense of everything. Callan was the only person I trusted with all of this.

“Ye’ll tell me when ye get here.”


“See ye in a bit, then.”

He hung up, not that it bothered me. There wasn’t much left to say.

Once I got to my car, I drove over to Callan and Ruairí’s place just outside of town. They’d bought a plot of land, hired an architect and builders to create their perfect home and had moved in last summer. It wasn’t a big place, but it was very similar to mine, with wood cladding and huge glass windows on one side overlooking the glen.

I knocked on the front door. Callan answered it with a grin before insisting on hugging me. I patted his head since he was shorter than me as he let me go. He scowled but waved at me to follow him into the kitchen. I took a seat at the island to take the weight off my ankle as he moved over to the other side and popped the kettle on.


“Aye,” I replied with a nod.

He got mugs out of the cupboard and then leaned back against the counter, eyeing me with uncertainty.

“Where’s yer husband?”