Page 12 of The Edge of Never

“Some, aye? No enough clearly.”

Kit had the good sense to look away as their face coloured up.

“There’s no need to make me feel so stupid for having shit balance, okay? I can’t help that.”

They said it quietly with embarrassment tingeing their voice. It made me feel bad, but not enough to apologise for it. I wasn’t apologetic in the slightest for putting them in their place. Having a blasé attitude out here was a terrible fucking idea.

“And also, I’m not thanking you for saving me.”

“Am no expecting thanks.”

“Good. I was just making sure since you said I should be grateful, and maybe you hadn’t noticed that I am grateful you saved me from the embarrassment of falling over with being all condescending towards me like I’m a child or something.”

“Trust me, I know ye’re no a child, Kit.”

Just looking at them made me feel a lot of things I didn’t care to admit to. My eyes roamed over them, regardless. My fingers twitched and my mouth went dry. I didn’t like it. Especially the way their face was going redder. It had me wondering why they were staring so hard.

“What?” I asked, confused by their expression.


“Ye’re staring.”

“I’m wondering why you have to be such a dick when you have an accent like that.”

I tilted my head, genuinely confused by what they were getting at. Were they trying to say they liked how I spoke? That couldn’t be the case since it was clear Kit couldn’t stand me. Just as well. I couldn’t stand them either.

“Am a dick with an accent?”

“You know what, never mind. Not sure you need the ego boost.”

Before I could ask further questions, Kit walked away from me. I couldn’t help wondering if they were trying to give me a backhanded compliment or if they had a screw loose. Either way, Kit was a problem. A big fucking problem I couldn’t wait to be rid of. And it was definitely all Callan’s fault that I had this problem to begin with.



As I packed up the necessary kit into my pack for our summit attempt, I cursed my mind for its continual loop of the moment I almost told Thane his accent gave me heart palpitations. It had been him saying my name that had set me off. I don’t know why it sounded so delicious coming out of his mouth. My skin grew hot thinking about him whispering it in my ear, his breath washing over my skin and giving me goosebumps. Yeah, I was pretty fucked because his personality was a complete nightmare. No one should look like him and be so rude. It wasn’t fair. I already had one fucked up crush on someone who wasn’t good for me. I didn’t need another.

I could only be glad he hadn’t said my name in the past couple of days. It would’ve made an already awkward situation much worse. I’d been getting better with my winter skills, despite Thane making smart comments about my lack of experience. He’d been overbearing and downright grumpy for the entire course. I was glad today was our last day together, and I never had to see him, his damn muscles or red hair again.

Shut up about his muscles and hair, brain! I know he’s attractive as fuck, but we don’t like him. He’s mean and rude and hot as sin.

I was my own worst enemy for being attracted to someone like him. Instead of letting it show, I gave him shit right back. He deserved it for the way he spoke to me. There was no way he suspected I thought about him at night when I was alone in bed.

At least he had got my mind off Sienna. I could thank him for that. Secretly, of course. Not sure I could live with myself if I gave him any sign that I appreciated him in any way, shape, or form. Especially not when the first thing he did when I walked into the room was look me up and down like I’d got dressed wrong this morning.

“Before you ask, yes, I’ve brought every single thing on Callan’s list for today. And yes, I packed it as per your instructions, so I don’t need another lecture about how it’s important to distribute the weight evenly.”

Thane raised one dark auburn eyebrow.

“Oh, and let’s not forget bringing extra layers and food because you never know what’s going to happen.”

He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Thanks to you, my pack is heavier than ever, but I suppose that’s the price I have to pay for safety.”

He blinked slowly and continued to stare at me without speaking.