“Like fuck ye tae stop ye squirming all over mah cock.”
The words were out before I could stop them. Before I had a chance to think about the consequences of revealing how much I wanted to push inside of them over and over until we were both panting messes. To relieve the desperate ache of wanting them this much. At least, I hoped this would be how I relieved it because I sure as fuck didn’t know how else to fix it.
Kit’s response was a choking sound. They weren’t expecting me to say that, but I was done pretending I didn’t want them. That I hadn’t felt the tension between us since the very beginning. It hadn’t occurred to me that it could possibly be sexual on my part until I found myself in close quarters with them.
I silently dared them to keep moving as I held them there by their hair. It exposed their neck in the most delicious way. What a delicate wee thing Kit was. How I wanted to taste that skin, taste every part of them and lose myself in their body. Tear their clothes off so I could feel them all over me. Desire choked me, making my control disappear and leaving only need in its place. Desperate, all-consuming need to bury myself inside them.
Do it, Kit. Fucking move again. I dare you. I fucking dare you to move and show me you want it too. Show me it’s not just me who feels this. Who wants this. Who fucking needs this. Please, I’m begging you to let me relieve this ache. I can’t take it anymore. I need you. Fuck, I need you.
When they shifted, blatantly rubbing themselves against my cock, I quit holding back. I quit denying myself. I gave in.
A growl sounded low in my throat. My other hand gripped their hip, pushing them down on me, making my intention to fuck them very clear.
Kit panted and rocked their hips, encouraging me. That was it. No more waiting. No more stalling. It was done.
“Unzip the bag and take yer clothes off,” I demanded. “If am gonnae fuck ye, I wannae feel every inch of ye on me while I dae it.”
Twenty One
It was a long minute before I heard the zip being pulled down. It would be cold as fuck outside of the sleeping bag, but I would keep them warm. They sat up in my lap. My hands went to their thighs. My thumbs dragged up the inner sides of them. Kit’s harsh intake of breath made me do it again.
“Thane,” they whispered, my name sounding shaky on their lips.
My hands slid to their hips and higher. I pushed their top up, exposing their skin to the air. It was soft as my hands glided along it. Finally, touching them like this made me desperate for more. For everything.
“Take it off.”
Their hands met mine, pulling their top from my grasp and lifting it higher. While I couldn’t see them clearly, the outline of their body made the breath whoosh out of my chest as they tore off their thermal layer. They weren’t wearing anything underneath it. My hands rose higher along their rib cage. They shuddered, their breathing heavier than it had been before. Their moan when my thumb brushed over their nipple had me rocking up into them.
“The rest, Kit, take the rest off.”
My hands left their body since I needed to undress too.
Kit let out a noise of protest.
“Don’t stop.”
“Clothes off first.”
That got them moving. They clambered off me and started pulling at their bottoms. I took the opportunity to tear off my top. I barely even felt the pain in my ankle as I dragged my thermals down my legs.
Kit took my clothes from me, dumping them off the side of the sleeping mat along with their own.
I sat up and put my hands on their bare arms.
“Come here.”
They swung their leg over me and settled themselves in my lap. My hand instinctively curled around the back of their neck as I leaned down and ran my tongue along the side of it.
Kit trembled as my thumb stroked along their skin.
“Aye? What dae ye want? Am I going tae slow for ye?”
Their wee noise of frustration had me smiling against their neck. My free hand ran down their side and landed on their thigh, tugging them into me until their chest met mine.