Page 14 of The Edge of Never

Callan gave me a wink before he wandered off without waiting for Thane’s response.

“Am gonnae throw him off the side of the fucking mountain.”

Thane’s words were mumbled as if he hoped I wouldn’t hear him say them.

“Glad I’m not number one on your shit list today or I might end up in a body bag like whoever that poor sod in your pack is.”

He glared at me and pursed his lips.

“Ye can keep yer mooth shut tae.”

“You’d get bored if I did that.”

He huffed and rubbed his fingers across his forehead, clearly frustrated by everything and everyone.

“Ye can make jokes all ye fucking want, Kit. Am no letting ye die today even if ye decide no tae stay on yer damn feet.”

Damn him for saying my name.

I locked my knees to prevent myself from melting into a puddle of goo on the floor. Thane might be a grumpy shit, but his protective instincts were endearing. They were his redeeming feature that kept me from writing him off as a complete prick who wasn’t worth any of my time.

“My hero.”

The sarcasm dripping from my voice wasn’t lost on Thane. He dropped his hand and gave me the dirtiest look imaginable.

“Am gonnae be fucking glad tae be rid of ye after today.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

Is it though?

Thane let out a breath before he adjusted the straps on his pack and fiddled with something in his jacket. He thrust a hand out to me a moment later.

“Zip yer jacket up and put this on.”

In his hand was a dark grey beanie.

My eyes darted up to his face, wondering what the hell was going on.


“Ye complained aboot how cold yer head was yesterday. Ye can borrow this for today.”

My heart was in my fucking mouth. I couldn’t look away from him with my absolute confusion at the gesture. It hadn’t occurred to me he was listening when I grumbled about the cold. The wind whipping my hair around had driven me crazy.

“Just fucking take it, Kit.”

He waved it at me. I reached out and grabbed it. My fingers brushed against his rough ones. It made me wonder what he did for a living with hands like that.

“Thank you,” I whispered, staring down at the beanie like it was the most precious thing I’d ever been given.

Why are you so happy about this? You’re ridiculous, you know that, right? He did one nice thing and now you’re a puddle at his feet. Get a grip!

Before I could internally scold myself further, Thane took it out of my hands and slid it on my head, tugging it down over my hair to keep it in place. Then he zipped my jacket up for me as if I couldn’t do it myself. Apparently, he was determined to ensure I was properly kitted out today.

“There. Ye can give it back later. Just dinnae lose it.”

“Wait, this is yours?”