Page 86 of Back to Us

Just over a month had passed since Elena moved to the Cove, and Skylar couldn’t have been happier. Having never really lived together outside of a tour bus, it had taken some adjusting. Elena was not a morning person, while Skylar was often up and out for a run with Atlas before the sun came up. But they’d finally settled into a routine that worked for both of them. Even Elena’s cat Leo seemed to be loving his new home and had even befriended Atlas.

When Skylar and Atlas returned from their run, they would all eat breakfast together before spending the rest of the day writing or walking around town, or visiting friends. At night, they would cook dinner together before sitting outside on the small patio and talking until they were too tired to keep their eyes open.

Skylar’s favorite part of having Elena living with her was the fact she woke up and fell asleep beside her every day and night. She loved Elena so much, and her heart was full at the mere thought she was getting to spend her life with Elena.

They had even become regulars at Straight to Ale together and drew in such a large crowd that Isla had started taking reservations. Everything seemed to be going more perfectly than Skylar had anticipated.

Elena seemed more at home in the Cove than Skylar thought was possible. Even after years apart, Elena had picked up as if she never left. They regularly hung out with friends Elena hadn’t seen since high school and were quickly becoming best friends with Alexis and Blake. Skylar’s heart melted each time she saw Elena with the Holland kids. She would be such a great mom one day, and Skylar couldn’t wait to take that journey with her.

After Skylar arrived back home in the Cove, she made the decision not to return to work at the record store. Her dad understood, as he always did. Walker was doing a phenomenal job running the store, and Skylar wanted to focus on the music she was making with Elena. With Skylar stepping away from the store, her father had decided to as well. That left him more time to spend with his girlfriend, Monica Carlson.

She had to admit that she liked Monica. She had opened her home to Skylar and Elena more than once for dinner since they’d been back. The fact that Monica was Skylar’s friend Maddie’s mom made the adjustment easier for Skylar. Steven wasn’t one to date, but he seemed happy with Monica. And if her dad was happy, then Skylar was happy.

That sentiment carried over to Elena’s parents as well. They had visited once since Elena moved to the Cove, and they had all gotten along super well. Elena and Skylar even showed them the land they were thinking of building a house on, and her father had insisted they pray over the land. Skylar loved the gesture and knew it meant the world to Elena to have her father work on accepting them as a couple.

Skylar glanced over at Elena, who was sunbathing on the stern of the boat as Atlas lay beside her. Elena’s hand was mindlessly petting his head while Skylar strummed on her guitar nearby. Skylar had been trying to figure out the chorus to a song she’d been working on for a few hours, but the words weren’t coming easily. At least she had the first verse.

Lying here with you

I know I’ve found my place

Right here in your arms

Is where I call home

And Elena had helped her write the second verse the night before.

Every day with you

Is my new favorite day

Your love is my rock

With you I’ll forever stay

But that damn chorus was eluding Skylar. She played the chords out on her guitar as she begged the word to come to her.

“What about this?” Elena didn’t get up or even open her eyes as she began to sing.

Starting over with you

That was all I needed to do

To find my place in this world

Right here by your side

“Holy shit, Ellie. That’s it. That’s the chorus.”

Elena rolled her head toward Skylar, lifted her sunglasses up so she could see her eyes, and smiled. “I know.”

“I freakin’ love you. You know that, right?”

“I’ve been told that before.” Elena’s teasing drove Skylar wild in the best ways.

Sitting down her guitar, Skylar walked over to Elena. She lay down beside her as Elena rolled over onto her side to face her. Skylar took Elena’s sunglasses off so she could see her beautiful brown eyes.

“I will tell you every minute of every day for the rest of my life that I love you.”