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“Hell yes, I do.”

As they scurried off to the bedroom, Elena knew it was the first of many nights together as an openly out couple.

Chapter 30


A week had passed since Elena had come out, and Skylar could visibly see the weight had been lifted off her shoulders. They had spent the last few days exploring New York City together as they happily posed with fans and even a few paparazzi that followed them in and out of restaurants and theaters. Skylar could have never dreamed they would be so comfortable with each other after so many years apart. But Elena had busted down the closet doors, and Skylar couldn’t have been prouder.

Even if the fact their pictures were now all over the internet was something Skylar was going to have to get used to again.

Back when Maine Event was last touring, Skylar often saw their pictures splashed in tabloid magazines at the checkout corner or on a news website online. She had gotten used to it, especially since the customers of those media outlets tended to have a short attention span. Skylar knew there would always be someone else for them to turn their attention to at any moment.

In the years since Main Event had broken up, Skylar had mainly stayed to herself in the Cove. There had been the occasional fan that made the pilgrimage to the record store just to see her, but those encounters got fewer and farther between over the years. Skylar had gotten comfortable with the fact the news outlets had moved on from her and stopped trying to reach out to her.

Of course, that was all before that fateful day Elena showed up in the Cove. Skylar had no idea then that they would end up where they are now. They were currently seated around a table at a local restaurant with Alexis, Blake, and Fallon, who had come in for their Boston show. Both Skylar and Elena knew better to get wasted before a show, but a few drinks with their friends wouldn’t hurt.

Skylar’s father was also set to be at the show that night, and he was bringing Atlas. Steven had grumbled about having to drive instead of fly to get the canine to the show, but Skylar knew he’d drive across the country for her.

Elena had also invited her parents to the show, but with her father still recovering from the heart attack, Skylar wasn’t sure they would show up. She held out hope, though, for Elena’s sake. Although Elena and her parents had never been close, Skylar had noticed that Elena had started to call her mom to check in every few days. They seemed to be getting closer, even if that just meant they had an open line of communication now.

Across the table, Fallon was sipping on her vodka soda. Skylar was thankful she’d come back for another show as she seemed to put Elena more at ease to have a familiar face around. Of course, Fallon and Blake being with them meant that it was inevitable that the paparazzi would capture them at some point together. It had been Blake’s idea to hire a couple of bodyguards for the night. The men were seated at a table a few feet away, eating but definitely giving off the vibe that no one should approach the table.

“So, Alexis, how does it feel to be away from the babies?” Elena picked up her soda and took a sip. “This is the first time you’ve been away from them, right?”

Blake laughed, “Don’t remind her.”

“It is.” Alexis pouted, then smiled. “I miss them and Harper like crazy, but it’s nice to get away with Blake for the weekend and hang out with you all.”

“Are Sophia and Emily watching the kids?” Skylar knew they were always the first option for Alexis and Blake when it came to babysitting.

“Of course. Sophia wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I haven’t met her yet, right?”

Skylar, Blake, and Alexis all laughed.

“Trust me, babe. You’d remember if you met Sophia.”

“She’s a spitfire,” Blake chimed in.

“Well, I can’t wait to meet her.”

“You will next time you’re in the Cove. We can have a party at our house whenever you’re there again.” Alexis leaned slightly onto the table toward Skylar. “When will you be back in the Cove?”

“Lex,” Blake playfully scolded. “Let her live her life.”

“Well, I’m just curious.”

Skylar looked at Elena. They hadn’t talked about what would happen after the tour yet, so Skylar wasn’t sure when she’d be back. She had been putting off asking Elena about the future because she’d been too focused on keeping their relationship a secret. But now, it was a looming question before her.

“I’m not sure yet. We still have a couple of more weeks on the tour.”

“But we will definitely be back soon after that.” Elena’s use of the word we wasn’t lost on Skylar. Her heart happily swelled as she pictured her and Elena together in the Cove again. “I love it there.”

“You should totally buy the land beside us and build a house there.” Alexis’s excited comment was met with an elbow to the ribs from Blake. “What? I’m just saying it’s for sale.”

“Please ignore my beautiful wife. She’s not trying to dictate your lives. She just hasn’t talked to adults in a while.”