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“Thank you, Harlow. I’ll keep an eye on her and keep you posted.”

“Thanks, Skylar. Your plane leaves in an hour, so you need to get to the airport. I’ve called a car, and it should be here soon.”

“They can take my limo.” Fallon had come backstage after the show and must have heard the entire conversation. “It’s already here, and I don’t need it. I’ll take the car when it gets here.”

“You’re a lifesaver, Fallon.” Harlow expressed her thanks as Elena and Skylar headed to the buses to pack quickly. Fallon followed them, and Skylar turned to her.

“Can you grab some stuff for me and just throw it into my suitcase? I need to keep an eye on Elena.”

“Of course,” Fallon nodded as she headed to Skylar’s bus as Skylar followed Elena into the other bus. She barely had the door closed when Elena burst into sobs and wrapped her arms around Skylar.

“Oh, Ellie, sweetie, I know you’re scared, but your dad is so tough.”

“He can’t die.”

“He won’t.” Skylar’s words were confident, but Elena knew she didn’t control that. “He won’t,” she repeated as she held Skylar, and they cried.

“Do you think I caused this?” It was the only thing Elena had been able to think since she’d heard the news. “By telling him?”

“Ellie, no.” Skylar tightened her hug. “Don’t think that.”

“It’s hard not to,” she sobbed into Skylar’s shoulder. Elena had no idea how long she cried or how she got into the limo with Fallon and Skylar on either side of her.

All she knew was that her last words with her father could have very easily been in anger.

Chapter 26


Elena had barely said a word since they’d left Chicago. She’d been quiet on the car ride to the airport, silent as they flew in the small private plane to Boston, and only let out a few sobs as they rode in the Uber to the hospital. Skylar squeezed Elena’s hand that she’d been holding through all of that.

“You ready?”

“I don’t know.” Elena was heartbroken; Skylar could tell by the pain in her eyes. She wished more than anything she could take that pain away from Elena. “I keep feeling like this is my fault.”

“It’s not, Ellie.”

“But do you see why I think that?” Tears poured from her eyes again as she dropped Skylar’s hand and walked a few feet away from her. She needed the space, and Skylar was willing to give it to her. “I told him last weekend that I’m gay, and then he had a heart attack. That man is the healthiest person I know. He’s never had any health issues. So why now? Why this? I can’t help but think I caused it.”

Skylar wanted to tell her she didn’t, that it was just her mind attacking her with negative thoughts. But Skylar knew giving Elena facts now would only upset her more. So Skylar stayed quiet, letting Elena rant through her feelings.

“I know it sounds crazy. Hell, I’ve felt crazy for the past three hours. But I can’t change the way my brain thinks. You weren’t there, Skylar. You didn’t see how angry he was. Looking back, I’m surprised he didn’t have a heart attack right then and there in the living room.”

She was borderline hysterical, and Skylar was suddenly worried Elena would work herself up into a heart attack.

“And why am I here? It’s not like he’d want me here. He made it abundantly clear the other day that he wants nothing to do with me if I’m gay. And guess what? I am! I can’t change that.”

It was rare to see Elena so angry. She usually kept her emotions more in check or at least subdued when out in public. Although there weren’t many people mingling in and out of the hospital so late, Skylar knew anyone could be listening to their conversation. Skylar knew she needed to get Elena inside and calmed down soon.

But before Skylar could say anything, Elena’s shoulders dropped, and she whimpered.

“It shouldn’t be this way,” Elena sobbed as her angry resolve melted away. She went to Skylar willingly and hugged her. “He’s supposed to love me no matter what. Why can’t he just love me for me?”

“I don’t know, baby.” Skylar kissed her head as she held her close. “I’m so sorry.”

As she was holding Elena, the door to the hospital opened, as Adele Cruz stepped outside. She immediately locked eyes with Skylar, but it took her a moment to realize who she was. An almost reluctant smile formed on her face as she walked over to them.
