Page 64 of Back to Us

“How dare you claim to know what God thinks of you.” Felix stood and put his hand on his hips. “I have never supported your career choice because I knew one day it would take my little girl away from me. And today, you have proven to me that that time has come. We do not condone this behavior. And if you want to continue to be a part of this family, you will repent of your sins and come back to the church.”

Angrily standing, Elena held her ground against her father.

“I didn’t come here to start a screaming match with you. I knew this was a suicide mission when I came here, but I still respect you and Mom enough to be open with you about this. I didn’t want you to find out by reading an article online. I thought you deserved to hear it from me.”

“I deserved not to have heard it all,” he nearly spat the words at her. “If you continue this lifestyle, then you will be shunned from the family. You know it is wrong. You were raised better than this. How could you turn your back on your faith?”

“How could you turn your back on your daughter?” Elena sobbed angry tears. “You always prayed I would find someone who loves me and cherishes me and makes me happy. Well, guess what? I found that. It just happens to be with a woman instead of a man, and you’re too close-minded to see that gender doesn’t matter. What matters is that Skylar and I love each other.”

“Get out of my house!”

Her father’s booming voice sent shivers down Elena’s spine. She walked back toward the door, with Felix coming after her. Although he’s never raised a hand to them before, Elena was suddenly worried if this would be the first time. Felix yanked open the front door and pointed outside.

“Don’t you dare set foot inside my house again until you have changed your ways.”

“Felix. Please. Don’t.” Adele sobbed a few feet behind him, and Elena wished she could talk more with her. But now wasn’t the time.

Nearly running down the stairs and to the rental car, Elena sped away as tears poured from her eyes. She hadn’t made any hotel reservations for the night, but that didn’t matter. Elena knew where she was going. Heading toward I-95, Elena headed north to Maine.

Chapter 24


After an extended layover, Skylar had finally landed in Portland. Normally her dad would have picked her up, but with it being so late, Skylar opted to grab an Uber for the half-hour drive to the Cove. She checked her phone for any message from Elena, but still, there was none. Skylar checked her last message and saw it said Read, but Elena hadn’t responded yet.

Skylar typed out another message as she walked toward the exit.

Hey, Ellie. Just wanted to check in on you. Please call me when you can. I love you.

Hitting send, Skylar sighed heavily. She’d been worried about Elena all day. Skylar knew the conversation with her parents was bound to go badly, but she hoped with everything in her that maybe—just maybe—her parents would listen and understand. Elena deserved that.

Her phone buzzed, and Skylar quickly opened the message.

I love you too. Meet me outside.

“Outside?” Skylar mumbled as she picked up her pace to the airport’s exit. She looked around for Elena.

“Sky,” the voice was one she’d know anywhere. Stopping in her tracks, Skylar made eye contact and immediately knew something was wrong. She dropped her bag onto the ground and pulled Elena into a tight hug. “It was so bad.”

“Aw, baby, no. I’m so sorry.”

“They don’t want me in their life anymore.” Her sobs were uncontrollable yet understandable.

Skylar felt her heart shattering as Elena cried. She didn’t want to let her go as she tried to shield Elena from the other passengers as they mingled outside the airport. Her protectiveness was kicking in, and she looked around for a car Elena might have parked there.

“Did you drive here?”

Elena only nodded. She reached into her pocket, handed Skylar the key, and pointed at an idling SUV. Skylar helped her inside as she tossed her bag into the back and got into the driver’s seat as she canceled her Uber.

“Where are we going?”

“I know a place where we can be alone and talk.” Skylar shrugged. “Or not. I’m here for whatever you need.”

“I honestly don’t know what I need.”

Reaching out, Elena took Skylar’s hand and held it as they drove to the Cove. Skylar was thankful the road was mostly clear, allowing her to make the drive faster than usual. She parked the car by the old lighthouse as Elena squeezed her hand.

“I should have known we’d end up here.”