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But lingering questions of what it meant now and how they move forward reminded Skylar she was not living in the past.

“So,” Skylar chuckled, “what do we do now?”

Elena giggled, rolling over onto her side as she draped an arm across Skylar’s bare stomach. “Hell, if I know.”

“We should have probably figured that out before sex.”

“Then we wouldn’t be us.”

Skylar laughed again because she knew Elena was right.

The first time they ever hooked up had been so spur of the moment that they didn’t have any time to discuss it beforehand. Their clothes were scattered across the floor of their hotel, and they were making sweet love to each other before Skylar fully realized that holy shit, she was having sex with Elena.

Of course, back then, Skylar had been naive enough to think that things would work out perfectly between them. She was convinced that nothing in the world could stop them, and they would be a power couple who took on the world together. And maybe in another life that’s what happened.

But in this one, Skylar knew the ending.

And she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they could change this ending.

Running her hand mindlessly through Elena’s hair, Skylar took a deep breath.



“I don’t want this to be a one-night thing. I know that might be all you think you can give me, but I want more. And I think you do, too.”

She waited for a beat, but Elena didn’t say anything.

“Ellie?” Skylar asked again. But the only thing Skylar heard was Elena’s methodical breathing.

Sighing, Skylar kissed her on the head one more time and fell asleep beside her. They were on tour for months. There would be plenty of time to talk about their relationship. As for now, Skylar was going to enjoy the feeling of falling asleep next to Elena again.

Chapter 17


Elena was used to waking up alone. After all, she’d been doing it for more years than not. Even when she was married to Peter, their schedules rarely coordinated enough to allow them to share a bed. She was used to sleeping in the middle of the bed, sprawled out in a giant X.

What she wasn’t used to was waking up in Skylar’s embrace.

Cuddling closer to her, she sighed contently as Skylar wrapped her arms tighter around her. She gently kissed her head, and Elena looked into her sky-blue eyes. Skylar’s fingers ran through Elena’s hair, tucking it softly behind her ear as she sleepily smiled.


“Good morning,” Elena giggled. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.”

“I’m glad you did.”

Elena arched an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

“Yeah, silly.” Skylar leaned in and kissed her lips. It took every ounce of self-control Elena could muster not to have a repeat of the night before. “But the buses are gonna leave soon, so we need to figure out what this means.”

She suddenly realized that Skylar was dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants. How had she gotten up and changed without Elena noticing? And what did Skylar need to figure out? They’d had sex. That was easy to figure out.

“I don’t want this to be a casual thing.”

“I know,” Elena softly responded. “But I don’t know if I can do a public relationship. Not yet.”