Page 39 of Back to Us

Well, that and Elena.

Skylar shook her head to clear her mind as she bounded up the steps to her townhouse. The green pickup parked out front told her Steven was there. Opening the door, Atlas instantly greeted her, and she petted his head.

“Hey, buddy. Where’s Grandpa?”

She didn’t know why she paused as if waiting on Atlas to answer. Kicking off her tennis shoes, she meandered through the house until she found her dad in the guest bathroom fixing the leaking faucet.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, Peanut.” Steven wiped his hands on his jeans before hugging her. “Did you have a good run?”

“I did. What made you decide to fix this today?”

“I had some free time since Walker is working at the shop now. You know, we might need to look at hiring her full-time after the tour. She’s great.”

Although Skylar and Walker Forsyth weren’t necessarily friends, they occasionally ran in similar circles. Especially since Skylar and Blake had begun to hang out. Blake’s wife, Alexis, had grown up with Walker and her wife, Maddie, so everyone knew everyone. Skylar was friendly with them, but she was never particularly close to Walker.

They’d agreed to hire her on a temporary basis while Skylar was on tour. From what Steven had told her, Walker had been an amazing asset to the store. So much so that Skylar teased him that she wouldn’t be needed there anymore.

“It’s so sad you’ve replaced me already,” she joked again as Steven laughed.

“Oh, hush. Walker’s great, but she’s no Skylar, that’s for sure.”

“You’re just biased.”

“Well, I think I have a right to be when my daughter is the great Skylar Ford, who is about to go on a world tour with Maine Event.”

“It’s not a world tour,” she laughed and rolled her eyes. “It’s twenty US cities, and that’s it. Then I’m back here in the Cove. Hopefully, still with a job.”

Steven laughed again. “You’ll always have a job here. But don’t worry about rushing back here. Enjoy the tour. Enjoy living your dream.”

I’m not sure if that’s my dream anymore, Skylar thought to herself. She didn’t dare speak the words out loud, especially not before the tour actually started. For all she knew, the tour could be the best thing that’s ever happened to her, and she wanted to stay on the road forever. Skylar doubted that, but she also didn’t know.

Steven finished fixing the sink and beamed at his work. Skylar applauded him as they made their way into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

“So, are you excited about the tour? How’s being with the band?” Steven sat on a barstool and paused. “And Elena?”

Skylar tried not to react to Elena’s name. But it was damn near impossible to stop the smile from spreading. Her father knew her torrid history with Elena, but he also knew Skylar was still in love with her.

And even if he didn’t, her smile and blush would have given it away.

“I don’t know.” Skylar shrugged, biting her lip in a vain attempt to stop her smile from spreading. “She’s Elena. Nothing has changed since we broke up.”

“I’m sorry, Peanut.”

“It’s fine.”

“I wish things could be different for you two.”

Skylar smiled sweetly at him. “Thanks, Dad.”

“And who knows, maybe this tour will change things for you all.”


Skylar didn’t feel like talking about Elena, at least not to her father. Maybe not to anyone. She didn’t know.

“I’m meeting Blake for lunch, so I’m going to shower. Thanks for fixing the sink.”