Page 16 of Back to Us

Steven’s sweet compliment made Elena smile. He was so proud of Skylar; in his eyes, she could do no wrong. Elena loved that for her, even if it did make her slightly jealous.

Skylar came back out the door with a small Crock-Pot under one arm and was holding up a set of keys with the other.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Say goodbye before you leave town, okay?” Steven gave Elena another hug.

“I will.”

“Have fun!”

Elena smiled back at Steven and waved as she followed Skylar outside.

“So, were you going to tell me that one, we were having lunch on a boat, or two, that you can apparently cook now?”

“I got a Crock-Pot recipe book for Christmas last year, and I’ve been obsessed.” Skylar strapped the pot into the backseat, seatbelt and all, as Elena watched from the sidewalk. “The lasagna is my favorite, and I know you love Mexican food.”

“I do.”

“Good.” Skylar smiled again, melting even more of Elena’s heart. For a moment, Elena thought Skylar was going to open the door for her. But alas.

Elena got into the SUV and buckled up as Skylar drove them to the marina.

Or, well, that’s where Elena thought they were going. But Skylar’s turn away from the water indicates otherwise.

“Are you kidnapping me?”

“No,” she snorted a laugh, “I’m picking up Atlas. He always goes to lunch with me.”

“Of course, he does.”

“He’s my child. Leave me alone.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Elena smirked and enjoyed the way that Skylar smiled back at her.

God, how were things so easy between them?

They had fallen into a comfort that Elena hadn’t thought was possible. She assumed Skylar would be pissed at her for showing up in the Cove. And she might have been yesterday. But everything changed when they were up there singing together. Elena knew Skylar felt it too. She knew their chemistry was still palpable. Hell, she bet the Gazette even said as much.

Skylar pulled the car to a stop at a townhouse.

“I’ll be right back.”

Elena waited in the car as Skylar bounced up the stairs and into the house. It was a nice neighborhood, close to downtown and the town’s square. The townhouses looked older, but all seemed to be well-kept. Skylar’s even had gorgeous flowers outside, along with a bird feeder hanging from one of the trees out front.

She watched as Skylar and Atlas walked back out to the car. Skylar loaded him inside, and he instantly stuck his nose in Elena’s ear.

“Oh, goodness.”

“Atlas, be nice.”

“Yeah,” Elena laughed as she turned in her seat to give the dog a pat on the head, “be nice to me. I’m your mommy’s friend.”

A silence hung in the air between them. Could she still call herself that? Were she and Skylar friends? Elena didn’t know. But she’d sure as hell mull over that as they drove in silence to the marina.

Chapter 6
