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As Skylar watched Elena watch the ocean waves, she realized it too. She could see a life with the two of them in the Cove. Together as a family. The way Skylar had always envisioned it. It was a good vision.

If only life would let it become a reality.

Chapter 25


Elena hadn’t been the same since her conversation with her parents. Granted, conversation was a loose word to describe it. There had been no conversing between them, only yelling. She hated the way things had gone between them, but Elena also wasn’t surprised. And despite the fact she didn’t usually talk to her parents anyway, the silence was deafening now.

Her mind had been a million miles away the last few days, and Elena knew she wasn’t on her best game at last night’s show. She’d been determined to focus more during soundcheck, but her mind was now on something else. Her friend Fallon had traveled to Chicago to see the show, and the two had plans for dinner. Fallon had suggested they go to her favorite restaurant that offered private rooms so they could avoid any nosy fans. Elena had eagerly agreed, knowing the privacy would help her open up to Fallon.

Other than Skylar, Elena would only trust Fallon with her deepest thoughts. And Fallon had already walked the road that Elena was getting ready to walk. Fallon was out in Hollywood, so hopefully, she could help Elena navigate the world on the other side of the closet.

Elena eagerly awaited Fallon’s arrival at the restaurant. She knew fans and, most likely, paparazzi would know they were at the restaurant, so Elena had chosen a form-fitting, V-neck black dress with high heels and silver jewelry. Her perceived confidence was high enough that Elena knew she looked good. The only thing she wished was that Skylar could be there with her. Fallon had said Skylar could come along, but Elena needed to talk openly about her worries regarding their relationship.

The door to the restaurant opened, and Fallon walked in wearing a sleeveless sundress with ballet flats as cameras flashed behind her.

Dammit. Of course, the paparazzi followed her here.

The paparazzi seemed to follow Fallon wherever she went. She had that classic beauty of luscious blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that turned heads everywhere she went. Fallon had been on a press tour promoting her new movie. The band’s tour and the movie’s tour happened to line up perfectly, so they were both in Chicago at the same time. Elena just wished the paparazzi would leave them alone. Thankfully, the restaurant had strict rules and kept the paparazzi at bay.

“Hey, pretty lady.” Fallon hugged Elena quickly. She normally has a few inches on Elena, but their choice of shoes made them more even in height. “You look good.”

“I look good?” Elena laughed. “Have you looked in the mirror lately? You’re stunning.”

“I’m telling you, vacation.”

Fallon had been harping on Elena for years to take a vacation. The closest Elena had gotten to one was a week off from playing bars when she had a head cold. She knew she needed more, and maybe she could take Skylar on a much-needed vacation after the tour.

“I know, I know. I promise I’ll take a break after the tour.”

“A vacation, Elena. A vacation.”

“Ms. Rogers?” The maître d’ approached them with a smile on his face. “Your table is ready.”

“Perfect. Thank you.”

Fallon flashed the smile that had gained her numerous nominations over the years, and they followed the gentleman through the restaurant. There were several small seating areas behind sliding frosted doors, and he led them inside one of them. He and Fallon discussed the wine list as Elena sat down at the table for two. Elena usually drank her wine from a box, so she had next to no input on what wine they should pair with their meal.

“Coming right up, Ms. Rogers.”

As the maître d’ left the room, Fallon sat down across from Elena and smiled.

“I’m so glad we got to do this. It’s been too long.” She picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip. “So, catch me up. How are things with the ex?”

Elena nervously laughed. “Well, funny story.”

Fallon leaned onto the table slightly toward Elena. “Ohhh, tea time.”

“Maybe not the way you think.” She laughed again, still nervous to tell Fallon about Skylar. “We are actually dating.”

“What?” Fallon shrieked as she laughed. She did a happy dance in her seat and reached across the table for Elena’s hand. “Oh em gee, you have to tell me everything. Start at the beginning and leave nothing out.”

Elena recounted the last few weeks to Fallon starting with going to the Cove, to the conversation with her parents. Fallon listened intently as if her life depended on it. They only paused to place their order. By the end, she sat back in her seat and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Damn. You’ve had a busy few weeks.”

“You’re telling me.”