Page 63 of Back to Us

After another kiss, Elena got out of the car and headed for security. She’d booked an early morning flight to Boston, hoping it would be less crowded. Thankfully, no one seemed to recognize her, so she made it to Boston with no issues. Elena rented a car, put her small carry-on in the back seat, and headed for her parents’ home in Cambridge.

Although they had lived there for almost three years, Elena had only seen the house once. Felix and Adele Cruz had moved around so much that it was impossible for Elena to keep up. The last move had been due to Felix taking a job in the theology department at Boston College. Elena didn’t have much contact with her parents anymore, but they used the occasional phone call to remind her that she needed to settle down with a nice Catholic man soon.

She mentally prepared herself for the same conversation as she pulled into a parking spot at the townhouse. All but one of her older siblings were married with families. Her eldest brother, Gabriel, was a priest, so Elena always knew he was her parents’ favorite. If there was a scale of the five Cruz children, Elena knew she would be at the bottom of it.

Steeling herself for whatever was about to happen, Elena walked up the steps to the house and rang the doorbell. It took a few moments for the door to open, but when it did, her mother’s smile grew wider.

“Elena!” Adele pulled her into a tight hug. “What are you doing here? Is everything okay? Why didn’t you tell us you were coming? Come on in.”

She ushered Elena into the house as she looked her over.

“You look thin. Have you not been eating?”

“Yes, Mom.”

“Felix!” Adele called out. “Come here. Elena is here.”

“Elena?” She heard her father’s gruff voice from somewhere in the house. “Why is she here?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you come here so we can find out?”

Leading Elena into a living room, Adele motioned for her to sit down. Elena took a seat on a stiff chair that was clearly never sat upon. In fact, the entire house looked more like a staged showroom than a home. There were few personal touches in the home, and Elena shuddered at the fact it reminded her of her own house. Both were a stark contrast to Skylar’s home.


She wished she’d let Skylar come along with her. Elena needed her there; she knew that now.

“Elena,” her father nodded his head at her as he sat on the couch beside her mother, “what brings you here?”

Part of Elena was glad he had just cut to the chase. That was one thing Felix was known for. He wasn’t one to spend time talking to his kids just because. There always had to be a reason. To an extent, Adele had been the same way. She was there for her kids, but never without interjecting her own opinions, whether they were warranted or not.

“Well, I just wanted to come and see you two.” Elena exhaled sharply. “And to tell you something because there’s a chance it’ll be news before too long.”

“You’re pregnant!” Her mother shrieked as she clasped her hands together. Elena couldn’t tell if she was excited or mad, but both reactions annoyed her.

“Um, no. I’m not pregnant.”

“Oh,” the disappointment was clear in Adele’s voice. But it was quickly replaced by optimism as Adele scooted to the edge of the couch. “So, are you seeing someone?”

“A good Catholic man, I hope.”

It was now or never. Elena had to tell them and get it out in the open before she exploded.

“I am seeing someone, and they’re Catholic, just not practicing. And they’re not a man.” She watched the confused looks go across her parents’ faces. “I’m dating Skylar. Skylar Ford. You know her.”

“The woman in the band with you?” Adele’s deadpan voice was dripping with disappointment. “You’re dating a woman?”

“Unacceptable!” Felix slammed his hand down on the end table, startling Elena. “You cannot date a woman. That is against everything we have taught you.”

“You’re not gay, Elena. I would know if you were. You were raised in the church. You’re not gay. You’re just confused.”

Her blood was boiling. Although she had expected that reaction, it didn’t make it sting any less.

“I’m not confused, Mom. I love Skylar. I’ve loved her since we were together ten years ago.” She watched as her words registered with her parents. “I hid my true self for years because it was easier than dealing with the inevitable backlash. I ruined my relationship with Skylar the first time because I couldn’t say out loud that I am gay and that I am in love with Skylar.”

“Elena, darling, you cannot be gay.” Her mother laughed, although nothing was funny. “You’ve just been in the secular world too long. You need to get back into the church. You can go to confession and get back on the right track.”

“I am on the right track. This is who I am. I still believe in God. I still talk to God regularly. And you know what? He still loves me even if I am gay. I was hoping you could see me the way he does.”