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Riley was right. She would be needed at the venue in a couple of hours for sound check, and she needed to get her shit together. But first, she needed to find Elena.

Chapter 23


Carmen’s questions kept swirling around Elena’s mind. How dare she ask them if they were dating. It was beyond unprofessional. The whole point of the interview was to focus on the band, not Elena and Skylar’s possible love life. No one but the two of them deserved to have any opinion on it.

However, Elena knew they weren’t just a normal couple. They were the lead singers in a major band that was currently on a very publicized tour. If they had been a heterosexual couple, the rumors would have started long before now. But that didn’t mean Elena had to be okay with it.

Especially not when the possibility of Carmen including her question in the article. Elena knew it was a possibility. No one had told Carmen it was off the record, so it was all fair game. That meant that Elena had to do one thing sooner rather than later.

“Ellie,” Skylar was out of breath as she approached her. She slowed her run as she enveloped Elena in a tight hug. “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay. You?”

“I’m pissed she would ask that, but I can’t say I’m surprised.”

“Me either,” Elena sighed. “I told Riley about us.”

“She told me.”

“Is that okay?”

Skylar nodded. “Absolutely. I was going to if you hadn’t.”

“Good.” She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “So, I’ve decided I need to tell my parents about me. About us.”


“It’s past time. Today made me realize that. I can’t imagine them finding out via a stupid online article. They deserve to hear it from me first.”

“Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?”

“I am, and no,” Elena smiled softly, “I need to do this on my own. I’m going to go there between shows this week.”

“You know I’ll support you always.”

“I know, and I love you for that.” Elena wrapped her arms around Skylar and pulled her close. She cuddled into her embrace. “This is just something I’ve needed to do for a while, and I know I need to do it if we’re ever going to be an actual couple.”

Skylar rubbed her hands up and down Elena’s back. “I’m proud of you, Ellie.”

“Showtime!” Johnny called out from somewhere backstage as Skylar and Elena made their way to the stage. The show was phenomenal, and Elena even caught a glimpse of Carmen in the audience, seemingly enjoying the show. Hopefully, that meant she’d give them a great review.

After the show, Elena and Skylar spent the night on Elena’s tour bus. Skylar requested a rental car for the next morning and drove Elena to the airport. They kissed goodbye in the car, thankful for the dark windows.

“Call me or text me whenever you get there.”

“I will.”

“And I can be on the next plane if you need me.”

“I know.” Elena leaned in and kissed her again. “Thank you. Are you going to the Cove?”

“Yeah, my plane leaves later today.”

“Give Atlas a kiss for me.”

“I will.”