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“Look, I love you and Elena and want you happy, and if being together makes you happy, then I’m all for it. But please,” Erica was almost begging, “for my sake and for Gordon, Andy, Michael, and all the Maine Event fans, please keep this on the downlow until after the tour. Then do whatever you want. Please.”

Although Skylar wanted to be pissed—and she definitely was on some level—she also knew that Elena’s and Erica’s concerns about all their careers being in jeopardy if Elena and Skylar came out as a couple. Yes, it would have its benefits, but Skylar didn’t know if they would outweigh the unknown risks.

“You know,” Skylar chuckled, “you have a lot of nerve.”

Erica laughed. “It’s a blessing and a curse. But I want to protect this,” she motioned around to the band’s stage setup, “as long as I can.”

Looking around the venue, Skylar realized she was still living the dream she’d had since high school. She was getting to perform with her friends in front of sold-out crowds every weekend. But was she really willing to give up the possibility of a life with Elena in exchange for her musical career?

Skylar wished she could confidently say she knew the answer, but the truth of the matter was she didn’t. Things hadn’t worked out with Elena the last time; there was no guarantee it would work out this time. But Skylar also didn’t think playing in a band for the rest of her life would keep her happy. Clearly Skylar had more to figure out than she thought she did.

“Anyway,” Erica sighed, “that’s all I wanted to say.”

As Erica took her spot at the keyboard, the rest of the band slowly trickled out onto the stage and into their spot. Elena was the last to make her way to the stage, and Skylar instantly locked eyes with her. The sparkling black top shimmered in the spotlights, lighting up the entire room.

And that smile.

That damn smile.

Skylar wished she could get lost in it forever. She winked at Elena as Gordon counted them in for their first song. But the vibe between Skylar and Elena was off the entire sound check. After the four songs, Elena made her way backstage without a word to Skylar.

Walking down the hallway to the dressing room, Skylar saw that the door to Elena’s room was cracked open. Skylar knocked twice before slowly opening the door wider. Elena was sitting at a small dressing area, looking at herself in the mirror. She smiled at Elena in the mirror and was relieved when Elena smiled back.

“Hey, you okay? Things seemed off at sound check, so I just wanted to check on you.”

Skylar stepped into the room and shut the door behind her.

“I’m okay. I’ve just been thinking.”

“Uh-oh.” Cautiously, Skylar sat down on a small couch beside Elena’s chair. “That’s never good.”

Elena smiled slightly. “Does it make it better if I say I’ve been thinking about us?”

“Maybe slightly.” Skylar reached out and placed a hand on Elena’s knee. She was relieved when Elena covered it with her own and squeezed. “Talk to me.”

“I want to give us another try. I really do, and I need you to know that.”

“I do.”

Elena inhaled sharply, and Skylar felt her heartbeat quicken.

“But I also need you to realize that you’re farther along in your coming out journey than I am. I wish I could run and catch up with you, but I can’t. I have to do this in my own time, and right now, it just isn’t the right time for me.”

Skylar tried not to let her hurt play on her face. She knew it was hard for Elena to open up like this, and the last thing Skylar wanted was to make Elena feel she wasn’t receptive to what she was saying.

“You know my parents. They’re old school Catholics. We might not be as close as we once were, but I still don’t want them to find out about my sexuality on a gossip blog. I want to be the one to tell them.”

“I understand.”

And Skylar truly did. She’d never want to push someone who wasn’t ready, especially when so much was at stake.

“But,” Elena’s eyes and smile softened, “that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to work on us in the meantime.”

“Yeah?” Skylar couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face.

“Yeah, dork.” Leaning in, Elena kissed her lips. It was quicker than their kisses the night before, but Skylar savored it nonetheless. “Is that okay? I know it’s not ideal, but it’s more than I thought I’d be able to give to you right now. Especially since I was fully prepared to hate you the entire tour.”

They laughed, and Skylar reached out to take Elena’s hand.