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How dare Erica try and tell her how to live her life. Elena didn’t go around yelling at Erica’s kids while they ran amuck during soundcheck. Or tell her husband that he was not the band’s official photographer and, if he was, he should be taking pictures of everyone and not just Erica. But Elena didn’t, because it wasn’t her place to say anything.


Stomping off to her tour bus, Elena alternated between seething about Erica and reliving her night with Skylar as the bus headed for the next destination.

Chapter 18


Arriving to sound check first, Skylar looked around the stage as she walked to her mark on the floor. The microphone was ready for her, and her favorite guitar was set on its stand beside it. Skylar was thankful for the few minutes alone to focus on the show. Picking up her guitar, Skylar strummed a few chords of a new song she’d been writing on the drive to Las Vegas.

Her mind had been so cluttered with thoughts of Elena all day that the only way Skylar knew how to process her emotions was through song. She played the chorus over again as she hummed the tune.

But then there was you, my flicker of light

The one who lit up my darkest night

I started to see what life truly could be

Now I’m finding myself with you again

The song lacked verses, but Skylar knew they would come eventually. Especially since all she had on her brain currently was Elena. Even if Skylar wished they could go public with their relationship, she understood where Elena was coming from.

And, hell, it wasn’t like they were in a relationship yet, anyway. One night of great sex didn’t constitute a relationship. Skylar knew it could easily head that way, but they weren’t there yet. No matter how badly Skylar wished she was. She knew that Elena wasn’t one to easily switch her way of thinking. Elena hasn’t grown up in an open home. Things were very rigid in the Cruz household, so Skylar knew Elena really did need time.

Humming the chorus once more, Skylar slowly began to write the first verse.

Felt like I was running out of time

Lost in a maze, always searching for a way out

Wondering where the next turn would lead

Or if I would be lost in the darkness within

“Eh,” Skylar sighed as she sat the guitar down and pulled out her phone to jot down the lyrics. They’d work, at least for now.

As Skylar replayed the verse with the chorus, Erica walked onto the stage from the opposite curtain. Skylar nodded a greeting to her as she stopped playing.


“Hey. You got a minute?”

Erica had her arms crossed over her button-up shirt. Her ripped jeans were the same ones Erica used to wear back on their last tour. And judging by Erica’s face, they were about to have a conversation like they used to have years ago.

“Um, yeah.” Skylar sat the guitar back down on its stand. “What’s up?”

“I know about you and Elena.”

Tact was definitely not Erica’s forte. Skylar tried to keep her face neutral from any reaction, but it was damn near impossible with Erica’s poker face staring back at her.

“I saw her leaving your bus this morning.”

“Oh,” Skylar barely whispered.

“And look, I know it’s not my business what or who you do in your spare time, but it is my business when it could affect my job.” Erica’s eyes narrowed at her. “Again.”

Skylar gritted her teeth. She knew exactly what Erica was insinuating, and she didn’t like it. It was Skylar’s business and Elena’s business only what happened between them. But Skylar also understood on some level where Erica was coming from.