Page 45 of Save Me

“Oh, no, no, no.” Neo chuckled and pointed the gun at Vitari, platinum rings glinting on his fingers around the grip. “This isn’t about money, it’s personal.” He reached out and adjusted Vitari’s shirt collar. “Here is the deal. Are you ready to listen, now you know what’s on the line? Sasha wants you to return to Italy and put a bullet in Giancarlo’s head.” Neo tilted the gun. “Boom.”

What kind of fucked-up plan to take out Giancarlo was that? It didn’t make any sense. Giancarlo was already on his way out. He’d see right through any attempt for Vitari to get close to him. “You’re in with my father. If you wanted him dead, you could have done it already.”

“Angel.” Neo sighed. “You don’t fucking see it do you? He doesn’t trust me like he does you. Has his men around him day and night. And since you fucked him in the ass, he hides in his fucking villa. I can’t get close to him, not like you can.”

“I sold him out. I fucking ruined him. He’ll kill me as soon as he sees me.”

Neo shrugged. “Then you’d better act fast. Everything else is in place. We just need you to finish him off.”

“Jesus, this is fucked. He’s already going to jail. What the fuck does my killing him do?”

“There’s no judge in all of Europe who will sentence Giancarlo. You know this. He’ll be released without charge, he always is. The old blood have their ways, right?” Neo sniffed, losing some of his smirk. “There’s no better justice than a bullet to the brain, we all know it.”

“And if I don’t?”

Neo glanced over at Francis. “After what I just saw, you’ll do it, and you’ll do it with a fucking smile on your face, or the priest dies. It’ll be easy. I fly you back to Italy for your father, you don’t say a word about our deal to anyone, shoot him between the eyes, and Sasha will let you run. You get to live your happy ending with a priest, however the fuck that works.”

If Vitari could pull the trigger on his father, he’d have done it long ago. Plus, Sasha wasn’t going to let him saunter off a free man. But those were tomorrow’s problems. Right now, he just needed Francis next to him, where he belonged. Everything else they’d figure out together. “All right, fine. I’ll do it.”

“Good. I knew you’d see sense.” Neo whipped the gun across Vitari’s temple so fast he didn’t even feel the floor rush up to meet him.



After Neo hit Vitari with the gun, Vitari fell face down like a doll tossed to the ground.

“No!” Francis thrashed in the arms of the two men holding him. He bucked and kicked, but their grip crushed harder. “Get off me!” He had to get to Vitari!

They dragged him through the door. No, this couldn’t happen, why were they taking him away? “Neo! I’ll tell them what you are, I’ll tell them everything!”

Neo grinned and showed Francis his middle finger. “Better start praying, cocksucker.”

“You can’t do this!”

“Shut the fuck up,” one of the guards growled.

A hand slammed over his mouth, almost smothering his nose too. He panted through his nostrils and frantically looked around the warehouse yard for a way out. Nobody else was nearby, just the car they’d been brought in. Were they going to kill him? Was Neo about to kill Vitari? They’d been talking, so maybe Neo hadn’t wanted Vitari dead, but then Neo had hit him, and now Vitari was unconscious… This was bad. Worse than their typical bad.

But these armed men could have killed them on the yacht if murder had been the only thing on Neo’s mind. So Neo needed them, or needed Vitari. What could he need Francis for?

Maybe he didn’t need Francis, maybe he was done with him?

Or maybe he was leverage, to make Vitari do something…

They’d made it obvious to everyone around them how much they cared for each other. Everyone in the warehouse knew they were lovers, but more than that, they knew if Francis was threatened, Vitari would go to his knees and beg.

Neo was going to make Vitari do something… Something terrible, and Francis was the stick to beat him with.

Oh God.

He hadn’t meant to argue with Vitari, hadn’t wanted to say those horrible things, but Vitari had lashed out, and Francis had lashed back, and now they were pulled apart, used against each other. What if he never saw Vitari again? What if Neo was about to kill him? What if those angry words were the last he said to him?

The men forced him into the back of the car and slammed the door.

Francis grabbed at the handle, but it clicked uselessly. Panic clawed at his thoughts. He had to get out. He had to help Vitari. There had to be a way, like there had been a way with Miguel Sanchez. “You who are a Holy warrior,” he prayed. “You who are the Saint of the afflicted, You who are the Saint of the desperate, You who are the Saint of urgent causes, protect me, help me, give me strength, courage and serenity. Hear my plea, oh Lord, give me the strength to endure and find a way back to my love. Help me, oh Lord.”

The guard behind the car’s wheel gave a dismissive snort. “There’s no God here, Padre.”