Page 105 of Unchained Shadows

The army around him cheers, but there are many students among the crowd who remain silent, their faces growing paler as the reality of what they’re getting into continues to unravel before them. This is exactly what we were being trained for, the whole reason we were here, but now that they’re being put into action—on the enemy’s side, no less—it’s all becoming a lot more real.

“That’s quite a speech, Burton, but I must say, I don’t think you’re the best person to lead anyone into anything, much less a war,” Rhys commands, his voice carrying far and wide, gathering everyone’s attention.

I instantly spot Grave and his grandfather, their eyes widening at the sight of him, but they quickly brush it off as they turn to face him.

“The Monarchy isn’t on your side, Denver; give up now,” Burton orders with a sneer, not acknowledging the fact that he called him Burton instead of Erikel.

Rhys shakes his head as if he’s disappointed to be dealing with this fool. I know the feeling. “We don’t need The Monarchy on our side. We just need the power-hungry fuckers to be gone from this realm and the next.”

“I think you’re outnumbered for that,” he remarks, the onyx throne slowly lowering to the ground. He really thinks he’s worthy of leading our entire realm. That’s not what we’re made from. The Monarchy is already fucked; using Shadowmoor as it has, making moves for personal gain. We need a change, but this definitely isn’t it.

Rhys doesn’t respond to him. Instead, he turns to the crowd, specifically the students. “If you wish to fight for this man, please remain where you are. I will apologize now for your death in the near future. However, if you would like to fight for the greatness of our realm, now is your moment to decide. Unfortunately, your training hasn’t been for the weak, so not fighting isn’t an option. For those not wanting to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, you will find yourselves caught in the crossfires regardless.” Gentle murmurs shift over the students, indecision flashing across their faces as they glance between the two men leading either side. One is erratic and full of theatrics, while the other is composed and calm. “There you have this man you barely know, with the corrupt members of The Monarchy, or you have me, Monarch Denver, still fighting for my realm until the end.”

“They know me. They know who I am!” Burton snaps, the scar down his face turning redder with every passing moment.

“No, we don’t.” The outburst comes from the crowd of students, and I recognize the guy as the same one who had the balls to stand up to Burton in the Nightmares Guild.

“Yes. You. Do.” The words echo around us like thunder and my body stiffens as if ready for the lightning I know will follow, and it does. But not in the way I would ever expect.

There’s no flash, no chaos, just the transformation of the man holding everyone’s attention.

Gasps ricochet around us as the scar disappears, the long hair retreats, but the fur cloak remains. Only now, it’s draped over Burton’s shoulders.

“He thinks revealing himself as Burton now is going to win some of them over? Why even bother to begin with?” Brax grunts from beside me, and I hum in agreement.

None of this man’s actions make any fucking sense. It’s pointless for us to try and understand it now.

“What I am doing is for the greater good. Things have to change. Sacrifices need to be made. I’ve lost everything to The Monarchy, this academy, and now is the time for me to take everything back. With you at my side,” he bellows, his jaw clenching tight with confined rage.

“And you expect us to follow you now that you’ve revealed another secret, another layer of doubt between you and us?” the same guy pushes back, and I can’t deny it; I’m impressed.

Sammi doesn’t seem to think the same, however. She shakes her head as she folds her arms over her chest. “He’s going to get himse—” Her sentence is cut short by a thud, followed swiftly by a gargled grunt, and I blink down at the crowd to find him bleeding out on the grass. My chest clenches, horror dancing in my vision. “Dead,” she mutters, her head hanging in disappointment, and my desire to kill this fucker only increases.

“Does anyone else want to question me? Stand against me? Do it. I promise you, it won’t end well.”

Silence descends over everyone as questioning gazes flicker from one person to another until, one by one, the members of the Nightmare Guild step out of the crowd and head toward Rhys.

Once they’re all standing behind Rhys, I assess the remaining students, and it’s clear they’re staying out of fear, but I can’t let the weight of that rest on my shoulders. It’s their choice to let fear guide them. It’s my choice to have strength lead me.

“You still don’t have enough to go against us, and once we leave the academy, the realm won’t stand a chance,” Burton grinds out, and Rhys shrugs so casually that I have to bite back a snicker.

“You won’t leave the academy, and you, of all people, should know that some things aren’t always as they seem,” Rhys retorts. Sammi takes that as her cue, briefly looking over her shoulder to lock eyes with Zane before dropping the magic from around us.

Burton’s stare darkens as he takes in the larger group than what was present moments earlier, and I don’t miss the curse under his breath. His gaze skims over me, though, making me pout, but I quickly realize why. There’s a hand on my shoulder.

Not just any hand; Zane’s.

He’s shielding me.

“Hidden until the last minute, remember?” He quirks a brow at me and I roll my eyes but nod in agreement. Looking down the line of us, from Brax to Creed, Eldon, Leila, and Zane, I know this is the last moment of us like this, as these people. Whatever follows ends with us dead or tainted by our actions. Either way, I soak it in, this very moment, letting it spike my adrenaline as we move with the crowd.

“You think you can take me down with this group of…nobodies? I have waited too long for this. I vowed to avenge my wife, my child, and you will not get in the way of that,” Burton snarls, irritating me further because I still don’t understand what he’s avenging them for. Not that it really matters now when he’s beyond reason. “Shadowgrim, do not let them advance any further,” he snaps, and a moment later, the sound of bows being drawn rings in my ears. I look across the main crowd to see each student, Ruben included, with arrows aimed in our direction.

Rhys unsheaths his sword, twirling it in the air before aiming the tip at Burton. “There’s no going back from this, Burton. What happened to Finnea never had to come to this, and I will not allow it to go any further,” he promises, and my eyes narrow. He knows what this is about. Why the fuck don’t we?

We’re at war for a man’s love of someone he believes is unfairly treated. If I had stumbled into this before meeting my men, it would have put me off love altogether, but now I can kind of understand the desire to protect those we love, no matter the cost. It doesn’t mean his actions are right though, and we’re going to have to prove that to him.
