Page 76 of Buried In Between

‘But one thing I’ve learned, is that you are a man of your word. You do as you say. You can be trusted. You are an honest, honourable and sincere man and you make me feel safe. But likewise, you are vehemently opposed to something important to me, and no matter how much we might care for each other, I will never again give up my dreams, my goals, my work. My husband said all the right things but he failed to keep his promises. My career was indispensable. What I’ve found on this land is important, to me, to history, to science and to civilisation. It needs to be properly treated and researched, and if that brings development to Bellethorpe, which I hope it does, then so be it.’

Both of them heard the helicopter at the same time and raced into the yard, their hands stretched across foreheads, blocking the late afternoon sun. ‘Phew!’ she exclaimed the moment she saw the large, red ‘7’ emblazoned on the side. ‘It’s not Henry back! Only journalists.’

‘You need to stop this circus.’ His face scrunched into a scowl.

‘It’s only a circus because it’s uncontrolled. I need to control it.’ Grasping both of his hands, she pulled him close. ‘Noah, I’ve fallen in love with you, and I think we can have something special together. But I will not give up my dreams for you. I will not be made to feel bad over what I did. Over the steps I took to protect my son. I will not give up this circus as you call it. I will not. My intention is to make it a formal dig site to enable the research to continue. But then I have grand plans. These finds will benefit research, but they’ll also benefit this town. I will build a museum and visitor centre on my land and encourage people to learn about these fossils and where they came from, what they mean and maybe I’ll offer some sort of experience so people can try and find their own fossil or a gem. It will attract visitors and employ locals. But those are grand plans, for me personally, I will write about this research, prepare academic papers and perhaps write a book. I may not have discovered the pyramids of Cairo but this is pretty darn good.’

They stared at each other. ‘Can you love me as I am?’

‘My biggest fear has already happened and I couldn’t stop it. I lost my daughter.’

Ava’s eyes bulged.

‘Okay, okay, I know, but it feels like I did. I would still prefer she live with me. But you’re right. I will not fight anymore. I will agree to those parenting orders and I will maximise my time with Emily and I will see her as often as I can and be the best father I can be. I accept she needs her mother and I accept that Ish needs you and the best place for him is here, with you.’ He cleared his throat, looked away hastily and shuffled his feet.

‘If allowing development to occur in Bellethorpe means that this community I love will thrive and prosper and my daughter might one day live here’ —a pensive pause— ‘and if it means you will stay, then okay.’

‘Okay? What did you say? Say it again.’

‘I do accept you as you are, Ava. The fiercely intelligent, focused, determined woman who is committed to your son and your work and to a life in Bellethorpe. I love you the way you are. I will not ask you to change. I am a man of my word. But I’m nervous as hell that now I’ve admitted it, things will change and I’ll lose you, too.’ He reached for her, pulled her close until their bodies aligned, and squeezed his eyes shut. It was the first thing today that felt natural and real and didn’t suffocate him with fear or reprisal.

‘Noah, I’m nervous, too. We can be nervous together and find our way. Let’s just be honest with each other, sincere and genuine, hold each other’s interests close.’

He moved close and whispered in her ear. ‘I’ve been wanting to hold you close for so long. To kiss you again. Each time I’m near, it’s been incredibly difficult to control myself.’

‘Please, don’t control yourself any longer.’ Her lips parted into a cheeky grin.

His mouth found hers, and she tasted exquisite. Gentle pressure in the beginning, slow and thoughtful, sensual, their mouths against each other and desire built quickly. The kiss sent his entire body into a spiral of ecstasy, his hunger for her insatiable. His lips wanted to explore the soft folds of her skin and he trailed feather-light touches along her jaw, collar bone, teased up and down her throat. Her chest heaved against his, he heard her exhalation and inhalation of breath, the smell of her hair … until Ava nestled her head into his shoulder and stayed there, it was almost as erotic as their shared kisses.

‘I would love to invite you to stay but that’s probably a jump too far at this early stage. You know, with Ish.’

He agreed even if his body did not. ‘Of course, I get it, and I have an early start tomorrow. I’m back to Brisbane. It’s my last court appearance to hand up these consent orders and snatch a few hours with Emily.’ Her smile dazzled in his direction. He would never tire of it, of her. ‘Even though I’d love to stay.’ Leaning close to her ear, he whispered again. ‘You will be in my dreams when I drift off to sleep tonight.’

Chapter Thirty-Two

Ish had become adept at his chores around the property and Ava no longer had to remind him. Today he tore off, Daisy in his wake. Daisy the devoted dog who followed Ish everywhere and had forgiven him for his misdemeanour.

Daisy perched at the door to the chicken coop, ready to pounce and chase a hen, while Ish threw their grain. Against Ava’s better judgement, they’d kept the remaining four puppies. They had plenty of room and after the incident with Jasper, Ava couldn’t bear to part with them, neither could Ish. It was silly, they did not need five dogs. Such was country life.

Ava spotted Clive near the fence and she accompanied Ish to feed the horses.

‘Howdy, neighbours!’ Clive sang out at their approach. ‘There’s been quite the song and dance around here after leak of your find, hasn’t there? All those reporters and television crews in town made a menace of themselves. I was lined up at the hardware store and a journalist hit me up for information!’

Ava offered a tight smile but didn’t engage in pleasantries. ‘Clive, how do you know my husband?’ His eyes darted left and right, his hand reached for Honey’s mane and his feet shifted position. ‘I saw him approach you the other day.’

‘I’m sorry, Ava.’

Sorry, for what? Her stomach swirled and dropped. ‘What for, Clive?’ She willed her voice to remain steady.

‘Hey, Duke, can you please go and brush Honey and Marmalade. There’s a few sweet carrots and apples inside as well, they’ll love them.’

‘Sure, Clive, but my name is Ismail!’ He ran off.

‘You know his real name is Ismail, don’t you?’ Ava was running on gut instinct now.

‘Yes. Very soon after you moved in, I was contacted by someone in your family…’

‘My husband’s family,’ she corrected.