Page 49 of Buried In Between

She replied immediately, sending him best wishes. It buoyed him for the day ahead. With caffeine in his veins and the music blaring, he hoped it was enough. Trouble was it felt like he was roaring towards his fate and he was in the hands of the gods, and Noah wasn’t a religious man.

Chapter Nineteen

Ava heard the rumble of Noah’s ute on the drive and her tummy did a funny flip-flop. Ever since he’d texted to say he was dropping in on his way back from Brisbane, she’d been a bundle of nerves. Luckily she’d had the team from the university here to distract her.

It was impossible to deny her growing attraction to him any longer. It had snuck up on her, slowly, and now every time she thought of him, an exquisite sensation skittered down her spine and out to her extremities and everywhere in between until her body buzzed. She walked lighter and often forgot what she was doing because her thoughts seemed to always drift to him. All the hours they’d spent together had transformed their relationship into something more than friendship. Noah was now a man she desperately looked forward to not only seeing, but also sharing her news with. She felt his absence keenly. Was it only because she didn’t have any friends in Bellethorpe? Maybe, but Ava didn’t think so.

And here he was. Dressed for a day in the city with clean, dark blue jeans and a black short-sleeved collared polo. The short stubble she’d grown to love remained but his hands and nails were clean and his shoes polished. Her heart sank a little, his appearance was a reminder of what he’d done today to keep alive his hope of having Emily return home.

Taking the steps two at a time, he stood in front of her. His gaze raked her face, his eyes tender and soft. Had he missed her, too? Was the attraction mutual? Her lips parted to ask him. But when his eyes lowered to her mouth and his tongue swiped across his own dry lips, the thrum of her body turned into heat.

He stepped closer and their lips met. His hot breath tantalised her and she was transfixed to the spot as if he was providing her with the air she needed to breathe. One hand was placed gently to her lower back and they connected, mouths parting, hungry, eager and desperate for each other. Her hands raked through his hair and their hips moved closer until she was snug between his legs. His lips trailed a line along her jaw and down her throat, across to her earlobe, his large capable hands cradling her face. Electric tingles pulsed through her … until the house shook from feet pounding up the back stairs.

Someone cleared their throat.

Noah jumped, the gulf between them suddenly great. Her lips remained parted when she turned and there were the two male archaeologists. One nudged the other with his elbow, a comical—you’ve been busted—grin spread across his features. Both were grubby, their long blue overalls with the insignia of the university on their breast, covered in dust.

She forced her mouth shut and rubbed her hands down the front of her pants.

‘Sorry to interrupt, Ava. We’re finished.’

Glancing at Noah, she noticed his frown.

‘Noah, this is James and Matthew, the archaeologists from Brisbane. They arrived this morning and have been working all day. Guys, this is Noah.’ The men shook hands. Ava filled the gaps of silence with her chatter. ‘Noah is my builder; he’s fixing this place up for me.’

‘Oh, he does look very handy.’ They both burst into laughter. At last, the corners of Noah’s lips turned upwards into the tiniest of smiles.

‘We’ll go and clean up and then we can chat.’

‘Okay, yes, I can’t wait. Thank you.’

Noah busied himself unwrapping a large parcel at his feet. ‘I found this today and thought you might like it.’ He handed over a framed print of Nefertiti. The colouring was exaggerated with bold blues and golds more appropriate to the painted mask of Tutankhamun but it was beautiful. The Queen was depicted wearing her distinct head dress of a tall, straight-edged, flat blue crown. He’d remembered Nefertiti was one of her favourites! The one she drew her strength from. A warm glow flowed through her.

‘It’s gorgeous. Where did you find it?’

‘I have no idea if it’s authentic, but it was in an antique store next door to where the interviews were today, a place called New Farm. Very modern and fashionable suburb in Brisbane with lots of op shops and cute boutique stores. I thought you might like it in your new office space. It might inspire you.’

Tears blinded her eyes and her voice choked. ‘I love it, it’s perfect. Thank you.’

Noah used one finger to wipe away the moisture on her cheek before it reached her chin.

Before the moment was lost, Ava asked, ‘How did you go today?’

Noah gazed at her, almost as if he couldn’t concentrate enough to answer, his eyes darted to her mouth, then to her chest and back up. ‘At times I thought it was going well. And then the social worker would ask, so, tell me Noah, if Emily is with you and you need to work, how are you going to manage childcare if she’s not at school? Because if Emily lives in Brisbane, Lisa isn’t working and can drop off and pick up each day and if not, she has her mother as additional support. Do you have anyone who can help you? And more about care routines and parenting styles…’

He looked down and away. ‘It seems as if Emily’s entire life is established in Brisbane. Lisa has her infrastructure and support network. I’m not sure I can battle successfully against that.’ His voice was filled with pain.

‘I would look after Emily anytime.’

‘Thank you, I appreciate that. But I’m not sure that works for the official channels. Family is the preference, well, no I’m the preference but if not me or Lisa, grandparents are favoured. But my mum, while she’s close, is old, you know, not really up to running around after an active six-year-old.’

Ava nodded, feeling glum for him.

‘When is Duke seeing his father?’

The question was so out of the blue, Ava gawped for a moment before pulling herself together. ‘I told you, he’s overseas.’

‘Yep, I understand, but doesn’t he want to see him?’