Page 50 of East

“That’s the plan. Where are we meeting Rivera?” he asked the room. Brooke stepped forward, looking at her phone.

“He’s going to meet us at Pepino’s near the mountain road. We’ve reserved a back room where no one will see us. I’ve ordered some food and drinks so it looks more like a business meeting to anyone on the outside. Rivera is staying at a home he rented, but no one knows where it’s located. I’m okay with that. Then we’re sort of out of the picture.”

“What exactly is the plan with Rivera?” asked Liffey.

“He claims that he has information that will nail the coffin on Sutton. I have no idea what that is, but I hope to find out. Once Rivera is on Sutton’s property, we need to get those kids out of the tunnel.”

“What about the teachers?” asked Sniff, rubbing the head of Zeus.

“Do what you think is right,” said Brooke. “If the tunnel happens to collapse, then so be it. Just get those kids out of there and on a chopper to Belle Fleur. We’ll find out what to do with them from there.”

“That does bring about a dilemma,” said Bogey. “These kids, if they don’t have families, are going to be ‘desired’ by everyone from the government think tanks to universities, and as we already know, foreign governments. What do we do about that?”

“For now,” said Brooke, “no one is aware that Sutton has them. They’ve disappeared from their schools with their teachers. That’s all we know. We’ll do what we’ve always done. We’ll find somewhere safe for the kids, even if that safe place is Belle Fleur.”

“Honey, you need to be prepared for the fact that if anyone finds out about it, they’re going to accuse us of harboring those kids for our own benefit,” said Liffey.

“I know, Dad, but I just don’t see another option for these kids. It doesn’t feel right to turn them over to just anyone.”

“Alright,” he nodded. “I’ll call home and let them know we may be sending the kids that way. Sniff? You and Tanner head back to that tunnel and make sure the kids are okay. I know we’ve got comms operating in there, but I don’t like what I’m hearing from the teachers. They’re getting impatient with Sutton, and their impatience may be directed at the kids sooner or later.”

“We’re on our way,” said Sniff, patting his leg for the dogs to follow.

“Hey, this time I get shotgun,” said Tanner. “I’m not giving up the front seat to Thor.” Sniff just laughed, shaking his head.

“You tell him that.”

“We need to get to the restaurant,” said Brooke. “Let’s go.”

Pepino’s was situated in the shadow of the mountain. The beautiful evening sky was filled with the waning light of day, purple, orange, and yellow glowing behind the peaks. A mix of Mexican and Italian cuisine, Pepino’s had become a favorite in El Paso. That is until the new owners decided to remodel the restaurant and increase their prices by nearly thirty percent.

That played well for the team. The restaurant wasn’t as crowded as it once had been. Instead, it was filled with businessmen and their wives enjoying an evening meal. No families. No kids. Very few single professionals.

They were surprised to find Rivera already seated, nursing a cup of coffee. He stood, smiling at Liffey and Mo.

“Gentlemen, nice to see you again,” he nodded. “And this beautiful woman must be Brooke. A pleasure.”

“Nice to finally meet you face-to-face, Mr. Rivera,” said Brooke, shaking his hand. “Please, let’s have a seat. Someone will be bringing food in for us in a moment. We’re grateful for this meeting ahead of tomorrow’s meeting with Sutton. Our team is going to ensure your safety, Mr. Rivera.”

“I know,” he nodded. “And if they don’t, or if they cannot, then it’s my time to leave this world. I’m alright with that. What I’m not alright with is Sutton and his games. We spoke of his infatuation with AI technology when we met in Houston.”

“We did,” said Liffey. “Has something new come about?”

“He’s frustrated that his young geniuses have been unable to make it work the way he wants. As you all are now aware, if he doesn’t get what he wants, he kills those around him.”

“We’re well aware,” said East. Rivera stared at the big man, then at Eazee.


“Actually, we have a triplet out there,” smirked East. “I’m the man that Sutton hired to kill you. I have no plans of doing that unless you force my hand.”

“I will not be forcing your hand,” he said, raising both of his in the air. “My informants tell me that you or someone, although I suspect it was you, was able to take his weapons and drugs.”

Not one man let on to anything that had happened in the last week. Brooke just stared at Rivera, not making any comment at all.

“I suppose it doesn’t matter who got them out of his hands. It’s done. He has a meeting planned with a North Korean ambassador on Sunday afternoon. The man is flying into El Paso for only one hour. They are to meet at the airport and exchange their cargo.”

“Cargo?” asked Brooke. “What cargo?”