Page 45 of East

“I don’t have any fucking tunnels on the east side!”

“You know, Sutton, you need to calm down, or you’re going to have a stroke. Then where will you be? I took care of Fuentes, which you haven’t even acknowledged. He’s dead, and it’s all over the news that an agent was killed. I’m following your bomber, and I’ll get him soon enough. But as I recall, you still need me to get Rivera tomorrow, so how about you stop fucking screaming at me.”

The eyebrows of his teammates raised in admiration for the way he was manipulating Sutton. It was showing what kind of man he really was – a bully and a coward. He could easily be manipulated, unless he found a loophole to bribe others, forcing them to do his bidding. That wouldn’t be the case for East, Eazee, or any of the others.

“I’m frustrated,” he said in a low voice.

“I get it, but screaming at the only man helping you right now seems stupid. Rivera is supposed to be there tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. He said he’d meet me here at five. I need you to be in those trees on the other side of the road.”

Eazee shook his head at his brother, realizing that it would be the ideal place to kill East if Sutton decided to turn on him. Someone else could shoot him out of the trees or cut the tree down. He’d be trapped.

“Don’t worry about me. I know what I’m doing. I’m headed out to try and find the trail of the bomber again. I think I have an idea of where he could be.”

“How’s my pussy doing?” he laughed.

“I told you not to speak of her that way again,” said East. “She’s mine now. If I want to call her good pussy, I’ll do that. You don’t have that right any longer.”

“She’s still mine,” said Sutton in a low voice. “Don’t you forget that. If you don’t finish this job, I’ll take her back, and you won’t recognize her when I’m done with her.”

This time, it was Liffey who wanted to leap at the phone, but Brooke gripped his arm, shaking her head. They had to play his game. He knew that by bringing her name into the conversation, he’d annoy East.

“You keep thinking that, Sutton. But you won’t get near her. Brooke will be so far from you and El Paso you won’t know which end is up. Hell, you can’t even find your own bomber or get to Rivera without me. You won’t get to her.

“I’ll finish the job because I’m a man of my word. When it’s done, Brooke and I will be gone, and you won’t know where or when. But mark my words. If you ever come near me or her again, I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in your head. You won’t hear me, you won’t see me, you won’t know when it’s coming. But it will be coming.”

“Don’t fuck with me, boy. Or I’ll show you who the king of this mountain is. I built this empire. Me! I’m the one that got rid of Ramos and Rivera’s brother. Me! I’m the one that killed my fucking wife to get what I wanted and needed. Me! I was brave enough to sell my daughter to keep Ramos busy while I finished my plans. Me! Not many men have that kind of passion for what they’re doing.” He hung up the phone, and East wanted to throw his against the wall.

“He’s just trying to get under your skin,” said Brooke.

“Well, he succeeded. Now we’ll see if he knows when to run.”


East decided to do a drive-by on Sutton’s street just to see what he was up to. As he pulled into the driveway, the same man who stood by him the day before waved at him. Getting out of the truck, he approached him.

“Where is he?”

“Don’t know,” he said. “He got angry because his building was demolished, and there was something important inside.” East nodded at him, looking behind them.

“How many of these men do you trust?” he asked.

“All except those in the blue hats. It marks them for Sutton. They’re his drug mules and are usually on the drugs themselves. I want to believe that you’ll finish this, but I’m frightened.”

“What’s your name?” asked East.

“John. John Hernandez.”

“John, the building that exploded, it had your wives and children in it,” said East. The man’s face paled, and he leaned forward, gripping his knees. East gripped his shoulder, pulling him upright. “Look at me, John. Some friends and I got them out. They’re safe.”


“I promise you with my whole soul, your wives and children are safe. Clean, fed, clothed, and protected. Sutton will never get to them where they are.”

“P-please. Please tell me where they are,” asked John.

“If I do that and Sutton finds out, he’d torture you until you tell him. It’s best if we leave it like this for now. I need you to trust me. I’ve gotten them to safety, and they’re protected where they are right now. You and these other men have no reason to stay any longer.”