Page 27 of East

Matt pushed to the front, Eazee behind him. Walking slowly, they could hear two men speaking in Spanish, laughing and cussing. Coming out of the darkness, the two giants surprised them, easily handling them. Not wasting time or energy, they shot both men using their silencers. Seated along the walls were a dozen kids ranging in age from three to thirteen and at least four women.

“Please don’t hurt us,” said one of the women. The kids began to whimper.

“We’re not going to hurt you,” said Matt. “What’s your name?”

“Josephine. Josephine Carraras.”

“Your husband is the police chief?” he frowned.


“Come with us,” said Matt. “We’re taking you to safety.”

“You don’t understand. Mr. Sutton said that if we moved, if we tried to escape, he would kill all of us and our husbands.”

“We’re well aware,” said East. “We’ve got this handled.”

Forty-five minutes later, there were sixteen people sitting in the empty rooms of the Sutton mansion. They’d been able to wash their hands and face for the first time in weeks and were now eating burgers and fries as if it were the last cow and potato on the planet.

East and Brooke had called Fuentes, who asked the police and fire chiefs, mayor, and border patrol chief to meet them at the mansion. When they arrived, they were shocked at what they saw. Their families.

“Josie,” whispered Carraras. “Josie, how?”

“Those people,” she said, pointing. She didn’t run to her husband; she didn’t hug him. In fact, she looked as if she wanted to run the other way.

“Baby,” he said, starting to walk toward her.

“No. No, you don’t get to call me baby any longer. The kids and I are leaving. These nice people sent someone to get us clean clothing, then they’ll be taking us to the airport where we’ve booked passage to somewhere safe.”

“Josie, I…”

“Nope. Don’t say another damn word. Everything you’ve said in the last few years are lies. You fucked around with Sutton and his women, and don’t even think you’re going to lie to me about that. When he had you, he had me and the kids.

“Well, this is your mess now. Not mine. You clean up your shit, and maybe you’ll still have a job. Maybe not. Maybe you’ll go to prison and share a cell with Sutton. But the kids and I won’t be here to see it.”

He was staring at his wife in disbelief now. She knew everything, probably thanks to Sutton. Why hadn’t she said something before now? Did it really matter?

“Wh-where are you going?” he asked.

“We’re all going somewhere safe. We agreed,” she said, looking back at the other wives, nodding as well. “Maybe all of you can finally grow a pair of balls and take on Sutton like you should have in the first place. Until then, don’t come near me or the kids.”

“Same,” said another woman.

“Me too,” said another.

“How did you find them?” asked Carraras.

“Good detective work,” said Matt. “You remember what that is, don’t you? You follow the damn rules, maybe use some of that stellar detective work you once used, and you nail the fucking bad guys.”

“Brother,” said East.

Matt just raised his hands, walking away. Brooke and Cowboy walked in with bags of toiletries and clean clothes, taking the kids to the bathrooms to get them cleaned and changed.

“He had them. What were we supposed to do?” asked Carraras, looking desperate and forlorn.

“Get help. Call the feds. Find them yourself. I don’t know. How about anything except fuck around with his whores and allow him to sell children, women, and drugs!” yelled East.

“This is what we’re going to do,” said Tanner. “We’re going to get your wives and children to safety. If they want to call you, that’s up to them, but you all are either going to help us, or we’ll fucking bury you now. Sutton has to go, and if you’re on his team, we will kill you.”